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"i told you that you'd like that cafe" yohan said, smirking at the older. the pair were currently walking to the cafe they tried out a few days ago. business was always busy since the place had grown popular. wooseok found himself going back to that place everyday and lining up just for a drink. and, well, to see a specific blue haired barista.

"shut up" wooseok muttered, slapping yohan's shoulder.

the managed to reach the cafe without having to bicker on the street as usual. to their surprise, there weren't many customers at all. the bell chimed once they opened the door, the smell of freshly ground coffee beans and tea filled the air.

"welcome!" the familiar blue haired barista said, a smile immediately appearing on his face.

wooseok smiled. it's like all his worries were left behind after he saw his favorite barista. his perfect smile, his bright blue hair, his tall figure, everything.

"you're drooling" yohan teased, chuckling when wooseok closed his mouth.

"you're wooseok aren't you?" jinhyuk asked once wooseok approached the counter. wooseok nodded shyly.

he was normally bold and confident but jinhyuk's height made him so intimidating even if he had a big smile on his face. it made him feel small.

"h-how'd you remember?" wooseok asked, curious to how the barista remembered his name when he has dozens of customers a day.

it was jinhyuk's turn to blush, "u-uh it's just because you come here almost everyday"

wooseok's cheeks turned red, "i'll get an iced americano then"

jinhyuk smiled, "of course"

wooseok paid and jinhyuk scurried off to make his drink. yohan just finished placing his order with the other barista whose name was kang minhee.

"looks like someone has a crush" yohan whispered, smirking at the older.

wooseok was quick to decline what yohan has said and picked up the drink jinhyuk gave to him.

"i don't you dummy!" wooseok whisper shouted.

"i literally see hearts in your eyes and you never stutter in front of people mr. so bold and confident" yohan said, rolling his eyes.

the two left once yohan got his drink. jinhyuk had sent wooseok off with a wink and telling him to come back again, which of course wooseok was going to do.

"i'm telling you! you have a crush on this blue haired barista!" yohan huffed, sipping on his grapefruit ade, "and you never blush!"

wooseok could only sigh. yohan kept on rambling about how he totally fell head over heels for the barista, which was definitely true but he didn't want to admit it to yohan of all people. his heart always raced and his face was always red after he left the shop.

"it's just hot in there" wooseok said, making an excuse for his red face, which yohan clearly didn't believe. 


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