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"dad this is wooseok, my boyfriend"

jinhyuk had finally decided that he should introduce wooseok to his father. afterall, they've been dating for almost three years and have signed papers for wooseok to be jinwoo's legal guardian.

"i-it's nice to meet you m-mr. lee" wooseok didn't know why he was stuttering so much. maybe it was because jinhyuk's dad was the lee dongwook, his favorite actor from his favorite drama.

"no need to be so formal wooseok. you're going to be my son in law afterall" he let out a giggle and patted wooseok's shoulder, "i heard from jinhyuk that you watched the drama i starred in"

wooseok nodded, eyes lighting up quickly, "y-you're such a good actor mr. lee! i absolutely love the drama"

jinhyuk smiled. his boyfriend and his dad were getting along just fine. his mother then walked into the living room with a bright smile on her face, "jinhyuk dear!"

"mom!" jinhyuk gave his mom a big hug and smiled, "this is my boyfriend, wooseok!"

his mom's smile brightened, "wooseok, honey it's so nice to finally meet you"

wooseok smiled, "it's nice to meet you too mrs. lee"

"jinhyuk always talks about you over the phone" she said, giggling at her son, "he seems to love you a lot"

"i do mom!" jinhyuk said, grabbing wooseok's hand and holding it.

"he can be clingy at time though" wooseok said, giggling at the pouty jinhyuk.

"you're clingy too! i get home from work and you already want to cuddle!" jinhyuk said.

"it's not my fault you're gone for the whole day! i need my daily dose of love too!" wooseok said, crossing his arms.

"they're so cute together, don't you think honey?" mrs. lee asked her husband who nodded.

"i think our son chose the right boy"

"of course i did dad!" jinhyuk stopped his bickering just to say that, "wooseok can be a satan at times but he's an angel too!" that earned jinhyuk a slap on the shoulder.

"i know you did son. so, when's the wedding?"


jinhyuk actually didn't know how to propose to wooseok. he just thought that they'd be living the rest of their lives like this. nothing would change, right? its just adding a ring on a finger.

"you got to man up and go buy a ring first" seungyoun said, patting jinhyuk's back.

seungyoun pushed jinhyuk into a fancy looking store and they started looking at a bunch of rings. it was mostly seungyoun looking for the perfect ring since jinhyuk has no taste in style. god did seungyoun want to smack jinhyuk for panicking over such a little thing.

"how about this one?" seungyoun asked for almost the millionth time in that same store. he pointed at a basic, but pretty, ring with a little diamond in the middle.

jinhyuk's eyes were caught on that one, "that's perfect"

they ended up buying the ring. jinhyuk walked out of the store with a goofy smile on his face without realizing that they literally spent half a day in that store looking at rings.

"you're home hyukkie!" wooseok exclaimed, running up to hug his boyfriend.

"appa!" jinwoo ran up to hug his father as well.

jinhyuk smiled. he loved being greeted by the two people he loved most after going out for a day, "what were you two doing at home?"

"papa was helping me with my math homework!" jinwoo exclaimed, showing his father the worksheet that he completed, "see appa i finished it!"

"good job buddy" jinhyuk said, ruffling the boy's hair.

jinwoo had started growing little by little. his head reached up to jinhyuk's waist and he was only in third grade.

"what did you buy hyuk?" wooseok asked, glancing at the bag in jinhyuk's hand.

jinhyuk's eyes widened. he had totally forgot to hide it somewhere before walking inside the house. his dumbass.

"n-nothing! it's just a small gift for one of my co-workers for working so hard" jinhyuk quickly made up an excuse on the top of his head, followed by a small giggle.

wooseok squinted his eyes, "are you cheating on me?"

"of course not! how could i possibly cheat on such an angel?" jinhyuk asked, cupping wooseok's cheeks, "i would never cheat on you. my eyes are on you and you only baby"

wooseok's cheeks reddened, pushing jinhyuk away from him, "you called me a satan the day before and y-you don't have to be so cheesy"

"only for you"


a/n :: i seriously want a fic that is longer than like thirteen chapters. also! check out my fic, "DARE. hwanggeum" the updates are kind of slow but i'll be getting at least a one or two chapters a week!

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