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"hyuk! where are you taking me?" wooseok asked, hand in hand with jinhyuk who was dragging him somewhere after he picked wooseok up from work, "s-slow down!"

after minutes of running, jinhyuk finally let go of wooseok's hand, "we're here"

wooseok took this moment to catch his breath, "what the heck hyuk! you dragged me all the way to this—" he took a quick look around to see pretty lights illuminating the dark park, "t-this pretty park"

jinhyuk smirked, "you like it?"

"after running for five minutes, y-yes" wooseok said, looking down at his feet, "y-you should've told me!"

jinhyuk grabbed both of wooseok's hands, "that would ruin the surprise wouldn't it?"

"w-what surprise?—" jinhyuk cut wooseok off with a kiss. jinhyuk's kisses were always soft and delicate, just like how wooseok liked it. jinhyuk's hand cupped wooseok's cheek and the other wrapped around wooseok's slim waist, pulling him closer.

wooseok eventually pushed jinhyuk away and blushed, "w-we're in public hyuk"

"no one's here babe" jinhyuk said, kissing wooseok's cheek, "it's just me and you"

wooseok was still shy either way, hiding his face in his hands. jinhyuk smiled at his lovely boyfriend. boyfriend. he should really change that title.

"wooseok" jinhyuk started, taking his hands and moving wooseok's hands from his face so he can look at the younger directly in the eye, "you changed my life once you appeared in front of my coffee shop the day it opened. i never looked at someone and thought 'wow he's so pretty. i want him'. from that day, i wanted to make you mine. ever since you came back everyday, i couldn't help but think i have this tiny chance to be able to date you and make you mine. not only are you the most beautiful person i have ever seen— you are kind and caring and you make my heart beat like no one else can. i love coming home from work and seeing you with jinwoo and i want to see that for the rest of my life"

jinhyuk pulled the box out of his sweater pocket and went down on his left knee, "i promise to love you with all my heart for the rest of my life, kim wooseok. will you marry me?"

wooseok's eyes had already dropped big fat tears down his cheeks. he attempted to wipe them all up but that didn't make him stop crying, "yes you dummy! of course i'll marry you!"

wooseok quickly jumped into jinhyuk's embrace, hugging the life out of him. jinhyuk stumbled and landed onto the fresh grass underneath them, "i love you wooseok"

"i love you too jinhyuk" wooseok straddled jinhyuk's lap and leaned down to place a kiss on the taller's lips.

"c-can i put the ring on you?" jinhyuk asked, holding out the box for wooseok to see. wooseok nodded excitedly. the ring slipped onto wooseok's finger like a charm. he had to thank seungyoun for that.

"appa! papa!" wooseok's head whipped to where the voice was coming from and saw jinwoo running out from behind a bush along with seungyoun, hangyul, minhee and yohan.

"my best friend finally has a ring on his finger!" yohan exclaimed, running to tackle wooseok with a big fat hug.

seungyoun helped jinhyuk get up from the grass and smiled, "i told you it wasn't that hard"

"shut up. do you know how many times i had to recite that in my head?" jinhyuk asked, giving him a glare, "i can't believe it actually even came out right"

"yohan get off of me!"

jinwoo tugged on his father's hand, "does that mean papa is officially yours, appa?"

jinhyuk crouched down and smiled at his son, "yes buddy. he's finally mine"

"you finally grew up boss" minhee winked at jinhyuk. that made jinhyuk chuckle and give minhee a pat on the head.

"yohan i don't want your hugs!"

jinhyuk giggled, watching yohan attack wooseok with tight, killer hugs. he looked down at his son and smiled, "you ready for the wedding haenami?"

jinwoo jumped up and down excitedly, "i want to be the person that brings appa and papa the rings!"

"oh you'll definitely have that job baby" jinhyuk said, ruffling his son's hair.

oh boy was jinhyuk happy to finally call wooseok his fiance.

extra :

wooseok stared at the pretty ring around his finger. the proposal earlier popped into his mind again. he couldn't believe jinhyuk really proposed to him. he rolled around on jinhyuk's bed, wrapping himself up in jinhyuk's scent.

"you like the ring?" jinhyuk asked, coming out of the shower, shirtless.

wooseok nodded, "of course i do. its beautiful" wooseok almost drooled seeing jinhyuk's perfectly toned body.

"just like you" jinhyuk said, picking a shirt from his closet and throwing it on. he climbed into bed next to wooseok and placed his head on the soft pillow.

"stop being so cheesy, will you?" wooseok asked, throwing a pillow onto jinhyuk's chest. he cuddled up next to the older nonetheless.

jinhyuk chuckled, "you like it though"

"i d-don't!" wooseok denied.

"says the one who has red cheeks right now" jinhyuk teased, pinching wooseok's cheek.

wooseok huffed, crossing his arms, "i hate you"

"no you love me" jinhyuk frowned.

"you're right i do love you"


a/n :: the end ? ;)

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