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"appa did i do it right?" jinwoo tugged on his father's pants to show him his tie.

jinhyuk giggled, "almost buddy. you made a mistake at the very end right here"

jinwoo pouted, untying the tie and attempting to tie it for the tenth time, "it's too hard appa!"

"appa will help you" jinhyuk said, smiling at his son. jinhyuk tied the tie perfectly, careful not to make it too tight, "there!"

"thank you appa!" jinwoo hugged his father, "i'll go check up on papa for you!"

jinhyuk waved at his son and watched him go into the room across the hall. he couldn't see wooseok before the wedding but he was sure wooseok was dead drop gorgeous.

"you're finally getting married, son" jinhyuk smiled at his father, hugging him tightly.

"i can't believe it" jinhyuk said, letting a small tear slip out of his eye.

dongwook patted his back and smiled, "don't be a crybaby. you're getting married and you have a son. you need to toughen up"

jinhyuk pouted, "that's bullying dad!" he quickly wiped the tear that rolled down his cheek, "i am tough!"

his father chuckled, "then don't cry"

"i'm sure you cried when you married mom!" jinhyuk exclaimed, crossing his arms.

"boys" mrs. lee interrupted them, "stop bickering will you? you're acting like a bunch of kids"


jinhyuk swore that wooseok was the most beautiful person he's ever seen. wooseok walked down that isle with his dad, side by side and all jinhyuk could say was that wooseok is the definition of perfection. even in just a plain, regular black suit, wooseok managed to pull it off perfectly.

"papa looks so pretty!" jinwoo nudged dohyon's shoulder, "doesn't papa look pretty?"

dohyon nodded. they watched as jinhyuk took both of wooseok's hands and helped him up the platform.

"you're beautiful" jinhyuk whispered, looking at the breathtaking view in front of him, "as always"

wooseok's cheeks tinted red. they listened to the priest say their wedding vows and wooseok swore he almost fell asleep listening to it if it weren't for jinhyuk's beautiful face in front of his.

"may we have the rings?" jinwoo's ears perked up at that line and he carried the rings on the tiny cushion up to his parents. he had practiced doing that a couple times at home without the rings, but now he had the rings.

"papa you're so pretty" jinwoo said, smiling at his father. wooseok patted jinwoo's head, whispering a small 'thank you'. that received coos from the crowd.

"do you, lee jinhyuk, take kim wooseok as your—"

"yes" he didn't need to hear the rest of the question to know that he'll love wooseok for the rest of his life no matter what happened.

"and do you kim wooseok take—"


jinhyuk quickly slipped the ring onto wooseok's finger and wooseok did the same.

"i now pronounce you husband and husband"

wooseok never felt anymore excited than to leap into jinhyuk's arms and kiss him. the kiss sparked fireworks in wooseok's heart. it was like he fell in love with jinhyuk all over again. he was all too focused on the kiss to hear their friends and family cheering them.

"excited now are we?" jinhyuk chuckled once wooseok pulled away.

"i fucking love you" wooseok said, tip toeing to place another kiss on jinhyuk's lips.

"i love you too" jinhyuk said, capturing wooseok's lips for another kiss.

"they look lovely together" dongwook said, hugging his wife, "reminds me of when we got married"

hangyul watched the married couple in awe, "when's our wedding youn?"

seungyoun smiled, leaning down to kiss hangyul, "soon"

"and i'm still single— great" yohan muttered, smiling at his best friend nonetheless. he then felt a tap on his shoulder. he whipped his head around to see a familiar barista that worked at jinhyuk's cafe.

"you're y-yohan, right?" and yohan might've laid eyes on the perfect human being ever.

"papa! appa!" jinwoo ran up to his parents as fast as he short legs could take him.

wooseok crouched down and hugged his lovely son, "my baby jinwoo. i love you so much"

"i love appa and papa more!" jinwoo giggled, hugging wooseok tightly.

jinhyuk ruffled jinwoo's hair and shook his head, "thats not possible baby. i definitely love you and papa more"

that argument lasted about thirty minutes until wooseok had enough and announced that he loved them both the most.

"that's not fair papa!"

"jinwoo's right! you can't just win like that!"

"appa can't win either! only jinwoo can win!"

"i thought we were on the same side!"

"of course not appa!"

"god why do i love these boys" wooseok smiled, watching his son and his husband bicker.


a/n :: chapter sixteen or seventeen is probably going to be the end of this fic :(( after that, i'll focus more on my hwanggeum fic and my new weishin/seungyul fic uwu !!

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