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Y/n's POV

-Hey lovebirds are you ready to-what the hell happened?!-Tae said while looking at me and Jimin.

He was still carrying me in his arms and looked at me softly.

I just hided my face more in his chest.

-Why are you shirtless?And why is she crying?-Tae asked with worry.

His expression changed.

-Did you do something to her?!-he said raising his voice.

Jimin scoffed.

-Not me but that bastard that we have for a boss.

Tae's eyes widened.

-He tried to fucking rape her.-he said with disgust.

WHAT?!-another voice said.

-YOONGI?! -Tae said.

-Y/n?Are you okay?-Yoongi said with worry.

Yoongi was a good friend.He usually worked the night shift but today he came early.He was the first that supported me when I started this job and trained me.I was really grateful to him.

-I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!-he stormed out off the room.

-WHERE IS HE?!-he said with angry.

Jimin looked at me softly placing me on his lap but never letting me go off his arms.

Tae came with a bottle of water and handed it to me.

-Here.Drink this.

I nodded.

-Shit,he must have gone when we were all here.-Yoongi said now entering the room.

He kneeled down in front of me.

-Hey.Are you okay sugar?-he said sadly.

-Mm.-I said while I remembered what almost happened and broke down into tears.

-Shh baby.It is okay.You are safe now.-Jimin said while pulling me closer to his chest.

-Can we go home?-I said with my voice breaking.

-Sure baby.

-Wait.Take this shirt and wear it.-Tae told to Jimin.

-Can I put my shirt on?-he said softly.

-I nodded and stood up.

-Let me help you.-Yoongi said.

He took my hand to keep me from falling and I hugged him.

He hugged me too and patted my head.

-Suga.-I whispered to him.

-Yeah sugar?-he whispered back.

-I want us to still meet.You,Taehyung.We can all hang out.

-Of course sugar.We would love to.

-By the way is he your boyfriend?-he said looking at Jimin.


-Mm maybe you should go to him now.He looks sad.

I let go of Yoongi and Jimin smiled taking my hand.

Ready to go home?-he whispered.

-You are my home.

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