A pornstar's child

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((If this isn't good, I'm sorry but I tried with this one, also if you see any brackets, it because I am saying something personal and not apart of the story))

Third person POV
The time was 6am at the Happy Hotel, the only people who were up at the time were Baxter, Niffty, Charlie and Angel, each of them doing a seperate activity which included no one else. Baxter was busy creating something in his lab, Charlie was organising the hotel to look presentable for any new sinner who would want to join and Angel- well- let's just say he's recovering from a busy night before.

Angel was laying in his room, looking at the ceiling and remembering the night before, he smiled to himself and thought about the idea of children. It was never brought up from anyone, but it was something he always wanted, shame he couldn't make one himself without being, you know, alive and fucking a woman. He finally got up after a few minutes and got into his regular wear. "Todays' gonna be a normal day Angel, so expect nothin new," he whispered to himself, he knew that it would be the same so why expect anything for today until he heard a crash outside. He rushed outside to see what (or who) made the crash.

Outside of the hotel, all of the misfits had ran outside from either their jobs (which was Niffty, Charlie and Baxter), just laying in bed (which was just Angel) or their sleep (which was pretty much everyone else). Apparently someone had thrown a glass bottle onto one of the walls of the hotel, which probably had a letter inside for Angel, seeing that a sheet of paper was on the ground with the only words "for Angel Dust" visible from far away. "Just a bottle? That's all that stupid crash was?" Vaggie grumpily asked, she was still in her pjs and was pissed for being waken up earlier than she normally wakes up. "Seems so Vaggie, I'm sorry if it woke any of you guys." Charlie answered, she was slightly nervous from the glass and seeing bits of blood on it. Everyone but Angel went back inside, either tired or thinking about something else. Angel saw the paper and walked towards it, he was curious and wanted to know what it said. He picked up the letter and read it to himself.

Angel's POV
I read the letter quietly to myself hoping no one was around, "Dear Angel Dust..." I started, "I would like to say thank ya for the night before, it was a swell time with ya~" ...Oh fuck, it was that guy from last night, what was his name anyways? Whatever, probably something dumb like Sans or Bob (if your name is Bob, I'm not making fun of you). I continue to read it, "Shame I couldn't continue with our fun or pay ya but I have somethin' betta." The fuck is better than money? "I'm not sure of what you think of children but I found one that I could give away to ya after ya gave me a good time," I felt my jaw drop from reading it before I looked around, no kid in sight. "I hope it won't be of trouble. Ciao, from Eli" I finished. Eli? The fuck kinda name is Eli? It's so shit (I'm not making fun of anyone with the name Eli, I promise). Well this "Eli" fucking lied to me cause I don't see a kid in sight. I scrunch up the paper, threw it away and decided to look around just in case he actually did have a child here and the kid walked off.

It wasn't long before I found what I could assume is the kid, a small child plant demon sleeping in the bushes, curled up in a ball with their hands under their head. I kneeled down next to them and gently poked them to see if they are alive, and they woke up with their head jolting up as soon as I touched them. Yep, they're awake. "Hey little guy-girl-kid. You alright?" I asked, I'm so confused of what gender they are and how they got here, obviously sin but who would kill a kid their age? They sat up and started speaking.

Kid's (Idk, Ari? Yeah let's go with Ari) POV
"I'm not all right; I'm half right, half left." I responded to this spider guy, he was weird looking to me. He paused and laughed slightly before speaking again, "Oh boy, we got a jokester here. I mean as are you okay sitting here by yourself?" I nodded at him then slowly shook my head, "I don't know where I am, where am I?" I asked.

"Yer outside of the Happy Hotel." He answered.

"What's the happy hotel?"

"A hotel for sinners to be redeemed?" He answered my question by making it sound like a question, which confused me cause he does know it right? Or is he guessing, who knows?

"Oh, alright.... can I come inside?"

"Course ya can kid, ya think I'm lettin ya outside? Come in kid!" He moved his arms towards me and picked me up, he felt soft and like a pillow. He then carried me inside to where there were other people standing around. They all looked at me and I buried my face into the spider's chest to hide from everyone else, I don't know if the spider realised what happened or just ignored me but he sat down and patted my head. "Guys, I wanna introduce ya to my kid- What's yer name kid?" He whispered the last part to me and I felt like I choked on air, or his fluff, that got up my nose and my mouth was shut. I turned my head to now a group of people staring down at me, feeling like pressure was on me, "Ar-Ari..." I quietly responded.

Angel's POV
"Ar-Ari..." they responded, they looked so scared of Vag, Niffty, Bax, Al and Charlie looking at them. "Their name is Ari, don't get too jealous now I got a kid." I loudly announced to them. "Aren't you a bad role model to have a kid?" Alastor asked, BITCH I'm the best role model for kids! Who the fuck thinks he is telling me I'm a bad role model. "No, I'm an excellent role model. Besides, I'm not lettin any of ya take them away from me, got it?" I threatenly answered his question,

"You... like kids?" Baxter then asked innocently.

"Yeah, I've always wanted one."

"Someone left you with a kid? I'm honestly not surprised, you're so sweet." Vaggie the bitch sarcastically stated.

"Yeah yeah, shut it Vags."

"Well I'm glad for you, you always seemed like a nice person and you have a kid to look after, a great way to redeem yourself!" Charlie exclaimed, shit, she was right. The kid is a way to redeem myself.

"Yeah! Good luck on looking after the kid!" Niffty them joyfully cheered.

"Thanks you two." I smiled and looked down at Ari who was still in my lap, asleep again. Well I guess it's time to look after this kiddo.

((Okay so how is this fan fic that was requested by @MaryLagnese is it good? I hope so))

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