You belong to me (Yandere Sir Pentious x Reader)

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((Hey in this story, you are a candy demon! So that means you're LITERALLY made of sugar, sweet 🍬))

Your POV
It has been at least a week since I've started dating Sir Pentious and I've already started noticing some strange habits he has. An example would be him clinging onto my arms, coiling me up with his tail so others would know who I belong to and has been checking to see if I haven't been with any other guys, by obviously licking me with his tongue, which I still find it disgusting but that's how he smells I guess. One day, I was walking down the streets to go to the store with my lovely snake boy when a male sinner walked up to me and started talking to me. "Hey miss, do you have a map?" The male sinner asked, "A map? For hell?" I responded, to his strange question. He started laughing and shook his head, "No my sweet, a map for your heart since I got lost in your eyes~" he playfully flirted, OH MY GOD! Some guy flirted with me in front of my boyfriend! The nerve! All of a sudden, I felt my Edge lord's tail coil around my legs and I saw his head hang over my shoulder, "I'm sssssssorry, but thissss isss MY sssweet, back off before I make you, peasant." Penti threatened the guy, the male sinner just laughed and challenged him.

"Whatcha gonna do about snake? Bite me?" The sinner cackled after his torment.

"I can do sssssooo much worsssse, sssssso back off from (Y/N)." Penti hissed at him.

"HAHAHA! You're making me laugh snake boy, you can't stop hissing with the s's ya dumb reptile!"

"Oh I'm gonna make you-"

"ALRIGHT PENTI LETS GO!" I loudly interrupted his sentence and grabbed his hands, pulling him away from the stranger when.


Did I just... get my ass smacked? I looked around and my Edge Lord is ready to kill while the sinner is smirking at me. Yep, that happened. I ignored it and continued walking, dragging a pissed snake behind me.

An hour later at Sir Pentious's base, in Sir Pentious's POV

I slither across the planning room -yes I did call it that- scheming my revenge on that punk who had the guts to flirt with (Y/N) AND smack her booty. I made sure that (Y/N) was safe back at the hotel so she wouldn't know what I was doing. After a few minutes, I finally planned on what I was doing, I went to my weapons room and grabbed a bat. Not my choice of of weapon but for flirting with MY girl, it's the best way to make sure he doesn't touch her again. I slithered to the exit of my base, "I'm going out egg boysssss! Don't missssbehave!" I yelled out to my minions. "Okay boss! We will!" I heard from some of them, I left the base and went to find this bastard.

Not too long after I slithered into the city, I saw him. The bastard that had flirted with (Y/N) who is now flirting with that pornstar, Angel Dust was his name I think. I waited for him to be alone so I could've done my revenge. Then I saw (Y/N) standing next to that Angel, how did I not notice her standing next to him? Her sweet aroma was enough to drive me crazy, not to mention her cotton candy blue hair, her butterscotch eyes and her milk chocolate skin that stands out from all of those harsh and dark colours. I couldn't let her find out about what I'm doing, especially since she's my sweet, my only sweet. I wouldn't let her see me doing such dirty work.

Gore warning incoming
After ten minutes, that bastard FINALLY left them and had walked into an alley, this is now the perfect time to strike. I followed after him and stayed quiet, making sure he wouldn't notice me. The bastard hadn't noticed me and I lifted the bat above my head to swing. He turned around at the worst time when I swung the bat into his head. He had fallen to the side but that didn't stop me, I continued hitting him with the bat, bashing his head with the end of the bat. I  could feel the bat leaving dents into the guys head, breaking his skull more and more with every swing I hit him. By the time I was done, his head was fully bashed, I felt out of breath, the bat was bloodied and I felt a lot better. There is NO way he would flirt with (Y/N) anymore. I took a sigh of relief and turned around, uh no. "Hey (Y/N)..."

Your POV
"Hey (Y/N)..." Sir Pentious awkwardly said, he was bloodied and was clearly embarrassed that I caught him red handed. "Don't worry, he won't talk to you anymore. You're mine now." He slithered closer towards me and coiled his tail around my legs. "Only mine~"

((Hope I did good, also requested by @ruqayyahh_101 ))

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