A Pornstar's child part 3

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((if this gets another part I promise to make it a fully length story. Requested by @user98118613))

Third person POV

There had been some ups and downs since Alastor talked to Angel about Ari, but it wasn't too bad. Most of it had been Ari falling asleep while helping someone or while Niffty was cleaning, it wasn't too bad.

One day, Angel took Ari out to the park to enjoy some fresh air, you'd be surprised there was a nice place in hell of all sorts but there is a job in parks too so they might as well. The place wasn't far from the hotel and it was a small area filled with beautiful looking flowers, some from Earth and some from hell. Angel went to sit down and watched as Ari inspected the fowers from hell.

Angel's POV

I watched as my kid stared at a patch of dark red flowers, "Dad! These are Sparkling hell flowers! They're supposed to bloom in October through to the beginning of January!" they yelled, I gave a smile and replied, "That's good baby! You wanna bring some back to the hotel?" They gasped and took a few of them sparkling hell flowers, little thief. As they got up, I saw a man walk up to Ari which caused me to stand up and rushed towards the male before he could touch my kid. I lifted Ari up and I glared at the man who gave me a dirty look. "Hey! What are you doing trying to grab my baby? Ya pedo!" The man laughed at me in the face and told me in the deepest voice ever for a twink, "I'm surprised you have a kid, you SLUT! How'd you pull THAT off huh? Bribed someone for it?"

"Shut up!"

"Or did you steal it from someone looking after him?"

"Ari is not a he you dumb ass! They-"

"Oh I'm Sorry your king of dicks, I didn't mean to call your freak show by the wrong name!" I looked down to see Ari starting to cry I was tearing up myself.


"What's the matter whore? Don't like it when your 'baby' is insulted? Well go suck my dick and eat a bunch of other dicks while your at it!" I couldn't help crying, it didn't seem right not to put of a stone face while your kid is being insulted right in front of you. I rushed back to the hotel with Ari still in my arms. I placed them down on the lounge and rushed to my room, crying my eyes out, I felt like i couldn't breathe.

Ari's POV

It wasn't fair. I couldn't say anything to protect dad from that meanie! I sat on the lounge for a while before I decided to get payback on the guy insulting my dad. I ran out of the hotel and back to the park hoping he didn't leave, he did leave unfortunately, so I wonder throughout hell.

It took a while but I found him, talking to some lady with a big face, like reeeeeeeaaaaaaalllly big, holy cow she is scary. He had some flowers in hand that I knew thanks to hanging out with Mr. Baxter, they were toxcicitins, purple beautiful flowers that will make a victim fall under the poison and become so ill they are wanting it to end. All I need to do is to get him to inhale its scent and then it'll be done.

I waited until he stopped talking to the lady and walked away from her and I followed. He didn't notice me and he looked at the flowers. "Hm, I wonder what these smell like, I didn't a chance to smell them and Katie told me to smell them." he said. YES! He's going to do it! Might as well try to push him more.

I started to grow some toxcicitins and thrown them near him. He noticed the flowers and picked them up, he looked around before taking a sniff of them. YOU IDIOT!!! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?!?!?

Third Person POV

The guy started to cough quite harshly, his throat was swelling up from the toxins in the flower. He was having trouble breathing and his skin felt like it was burning. He started to scratch at his skin and Ari quietly giggled, he deserved this. After minutes of him scratching and coughing and wheezing harshly, the male fell to the ground and uttered "help me" as best as he could. He was still alive, but he just wanted the sweet relief of death.

Ari realized that they was gone for too long and turned around to go back when they saw Alastor, staring them down, his smile as big as his ego as always. Al looked at them and asked, "Did you do that?" Ari turned around and looked at the suffering sinner on the ground, "He deserved it for making dad cry." Al turned his head slightly.

"I can kill him for you and then we don't talk about this."

"Okay, but don't tell dad please."

"I promise." Alastor walked over to suffering sinner and summoned his staff. "Goodbye you sick son of a gun." He then impaled the sinner through the head and ended his suffering.

"Can we go home please?"

"Of course sport, come on." Al walked up to them and picked them up.

An hour later, they came back to the hotel and they were so tired. Alastor took Ari to Angel's room, broke into the room, placed Ari into bed next to Angel and before Al could leave, Ari grabbed his arm and tiredly asked, "Do you hate dad?" Al shook his head and tried to let him go. "Can you be like a second dad for me?" Al responded with, "Well you'll have to ask Angel about that. Now go to sleep."

"Alright, goodnight."

"Goodnight kiddo." He made him let go and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him and went to his bed.

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