Reading time

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((Hey so this may or may not have other fanfictions in it since Niffty actually makes fanfics according to viv))

"No absolutely not." Alastor calmly denied to Niffty, the small cyclops trying to get his attention with a book. Niffty puffed her cheeks and continued showing the book to his face, "Pleeeeeeeeeeease Alastor? I promise to leave you alone!" She begged.
"Absolutely not Niffty, I don't want to read your 'fanfiction' as what you like to call it." He replied.
"Fine then, I guess I will annoy you until we both die OR you read my fanfiction with me!" Niffty smirked mischievously, she knew he hates being annoyed. He turned to her and sighed in utter defeat, she knew him too well damn it, "Fine but because I want you to leave me alone, for a week. Got it?" He got a response of a quick nod and a book to the face. "Face book me why don't you?" He sarcastically said, opened the first page and sat down.

Niffty went off to grab a book for her that she could read while he stared at the title. Radiodust? What a strange name. He thought, Is that a new drug in today's society? He turned the page, and started reading, he instantly regretted agreeing to read Niffty's book. It made him super uncomfortable. He felt so uncomfortable reading this.

He felt a hand touch his shoulder and yelled, "NO ANGEL I DO NOT WANT YOU TO SEX ME UP!" He turned his head thinking it was Angel but it was the small cyclops who just giggled at him, "Oops, I gave you the wrong one! I meant to give you this one." She handed him a much more tamer book which did not have Angel in it cause that's instantly a NSFW story. He swapped books with her and started to read.

"Don't tell Angel about that..." he quietly mumbled. "Of course my radio demon."  Niffty responded, she quietly giggled to herself and mimicked, "No AnGeL I dO nOt WaNt YoU tO sEx Me Up!" Al just rolled his eyes at the small girl, "You're not going to let me live that down, are you?" He asked, "NOPE!" Was her answer. "You gotta admit, it was funny." She giggled more, and he smiled slightly in agreement, it was kinda funny. They went back to reading, Niffty reading the Radiodust while Alastor was reading one about him meeting a girl called Ashley, two guys called Ed and Michael with Angel, oh never mind. Al did say "Oh Ashley" a lot and it seemed to make the girl turn into a mess so that was enjoyable seeing a fictional girl being tortured by flirting, he thought it was both funny and pathetic.

"So how are you?" Niffty asked him, her eye still glued to the book she was reading, "I've been fine, how are you?" Al replied to her,
"And why is that?"
"There's nothing to do at all!" Al gave her a confused look.
"You're literally reading a book, you're doing something." His smile curled as she started to laugh.
"You got me there, dang."
"Well you're an idiot." Niffty gave him an offended gasp.
"I am like a baby to you My RaDiO dEmOn!"
"Don't be smart with me young lady." He growled, she only giggled.
"I'm a baby, it's what I do."

Hours go passed and the two have passed out on the floor, books still in hand and Alastor squishing the small Niffty under his back.

((Literally couldn't think of anything here))

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