Chapter 9

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I woke up and it was 3 in the after noon. Uh oh. I was supposed to make breakfast and lunch and clean. I got up as fast as I could and ran downstairs. There was Hunter sitting at the table. But he was asleep. So I quickly grabbed a few things and made chicken soup. I wanted to do it before he woke up but as I was putting the bowls on the table he woke up.

"Where's lunch?"he said

"Right her-" I didn't get a chance to finish.

"Oh AND breakfast" he asked emphasizing the word 'and'

" um lunch is right here and I'm sorry I didn't make you breakfast." I said nervously because I didn't want him to slap me or hit me again.

"Ohhh, I see well i will have to punish you then." He said

"What's my punishment?" I asked

" well since you seemed to be spending a lot of time with that horse out there your not aloud to ride her for a week." He said. My heart dropped. Even though I haven't been with Paris before yesterday I still loved her.

"A week. That's a long time." I said. I was actually kind of mad.

"Well that's what you get for sleeping in when you were told to make me breakfast in the morning." He said I little more boldly.

"Ok well since you said ride that doesn't mean I can't go spend time with her out in the barn. I'm leaving" I said.

"Ok but don't leave the property. If I catch you riding that horse I will have a huge punishment and it's not going to be good." Hunter said.

I didn't quite hear the last part because I was already out the door but I didn't really care. I thought that I could teach Paris some tricks on the ground. Like maybe to lunge and bow or something. I wasn't sure but when I got there I decided to tech here to lunge. When I was finished for the day I fed Paris and the other animals. I went back inside because it was getting dark outside. I found Hunter, Bill, and Chance sitting on the couch watching T.V. I walked up to where Hunter was sitting.

"How long are you keeping me here?" I asked a little loud and angry.

"It depends, how long are you going to obey the rules?" He questioned me.

" I'm not." I said stubbornly.

"Ok then that answers your question. Now get out of my way I'm watching T.V. I want you to go to you room and go to sleep. You are probably tired still from yesterday." He said.

"Fine" I said angrily and crossing my arm as I went upstairs to my so called "room". I got inside and immediately the door slammed behind me and I heard all of the locks on the door lock. That was weird because I didn't think anyone was following me. I walked into bed when I heard someone's voice. It came through the vent in my room.

"Hello?" The voice said

"Yes who is it?" I asked curious as to who it was.

"My name is Haley, I'm being forced to live here. Some guys named Bill and Chance brought me here." Haley said.

They have someone else here and I didn't know it. How did I not see her!

"Do you get to come out of your room?" I asked

"Yes they let me out but I have to clean and make food for them." Haley said

Wait if I make food and clean then what does she clean when I already cleaned it? And what does she cook if they already ate my food?

"Who eats your food?" I asked curious and trying to figure things out.

"Umm, Bill and Chance. Why?" She asked

"Well, because I clean and cook. Also Bill, Chance, and Hunter eat my food. And how come I never see you?" I asked her because I thought that maybe she knew.

" I don't know but what from what I heard you got here about a week ago right?" She asked

"Um yea, how long have you been here?" I asked

" I lost count, maybe 2 years? I don't know something like that."

Wow, 2 years that's a long time. I don't want to be stuck here for a whole 2 years maybe even more. I have got to find a way out of here fast too.

"Ok well I'm going to go to bed, I'll talk to you at 5 when I get up." I told her

" I get up at 5 too. Well anyways goodnight uhh." She asked for my name

"It's Alison" I said

"Ok well goodnight Alison " she said

"Goodnight" I said back to her


Youtube: Amber Hecker
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Twitter: @ambug2001
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