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Chapter Five.

Two weeks, it has been two weeks of fake tutoring Luke and I am ready to pull my hair out. He answers every question correct with no effort, I don't get why he doesn't just put the effort forth and hand in his assignments. 

Luke is honestly the smartest person I know, and it makes me angry. I am wasting my time, sitting here and attempting to teach him everything he already knows. He literally knows everything, he has an answer to everything. No matter how much I try to out smart him, he is always one step ahead of me. 

"Why are you even here?" I grumble, resting my head on my kitchen table. 

"If Misses Runnen's knew that you stopped tutoring me and my grade suddenly dropped again, what do you think she would say?" Luke sneers. 

I lift my head up and grimace at him. "You're evil," I groan. "Don't you have anything else to do, like get high and take advantage of some girls?" I say cheerfully, clapping my hands together and rolling my eyes. 

I push the chair out with the back of my knees, giving Luke a disgusted look and stalking off to the living room. I hear the small screech of Luke's chair against the hard wood of the floor, telling me that he is hopefully leaving. 

The odds are against me again, because Luke sits at the opposite end of the couch. His harsh glare is intense, making me avoid any eye contact. I bite down on my lip, keeping me from saying something rude. 

"Why do you hate me so goddamn much?" Luke blurts. 

"You deliberately use girls for sex and then kick them to the curb, Luke. You are a terrible human being, you disrespect woman and everyone around you. You're here, torturing me by being rude to me and making me tutor you, though you already know everything. I like you as much as you like me, now answer my question truthfully. Why are you even here?" 

Luke shrugs, avoiding my question again. "While I'm out fucking all of these girls, what are you doing with your life? You don't even let yourself have fun," Luke laughs. "Fuck you. If I want to fuck girls, I will. It's my decision and I can disrespect whoever the hell I want, because that is my decision. It is no one else's, but mine."  

"Get out," I snap. "Tell Misses Runnen's whatever you want, but I can't do this anymore. I'm not even tutoring you," I stomp over to the door, holding it open for him. Again. I squeeze my eyes shut, ready to shout from the top of my lungs to get him out of my house. 

Before I can register what is happening, Luke's large hand slams the door behind me. I lose my balance, falling into the door. I cringe from the impact, quickly regaining my balance. I punch at Luke's chest, cursing at him. He grabs my wrists, holding them with no effort. 

He's smarter and stronger than me. 

I struggle under his grip, watching his eyes get wider with rage. He pushes me back against the front door again with his body. I bring my knee up, only for him to shift back and deflect my attempt at him letting me go. 

He crushes me beneath his body, bringing his lip between his bottom teeth. His face is merely inches away from mine, making me turn my face away from him. 

My heart is accelerating and I'm scared. I know Luke wouldn't harm me physically, but in the position I am in right now, I can't help but feel scared. 

My breathe hitches in my throat, my eyes finding their way back to Luke's. Mine are wide with fear, while his are a stony gray, unusual compared to the piercing blue or bloodshot red I am used to.

Luke's lips find their way to mine, his tongue desperately trying to gain access to my mouth. I finally get my hands free from his grasp, pushing him off of me. 

"Are you serious!" I scream, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. Luke shakes his head, a small smile falling on his lips. He licks his lips, like he is trying to feel the way mine tasted on his. 

Luke's lips taste like stale cigarettes and liquor. 

"Can't handle a little kiss, Avery?" 

"Not when you force it on me! You need to get out, right now." I point to the door, bringing my fingers to my lips and touching the freshly kissed spot. Luke Hemmings just kissed me and I have never been more uncomfortable and disgusted in my life. 

Luke's smug smile fades, being replaced by anger. "I'll be back Friday," he brushes past me, swinging the door open and slamming it loudly behind him.

My thoughts shift back and forth, from Luke kissing me to when my mother is going to be home. I want to go to bed and get my mind off of this. He did it on purpose, I know he did. Luke purposely kissed me to make me feel uncomfortable around him, more than I already did. I feel disgusted, just as he wanted me to. 


Hiiii, I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I promise I will update more often. Everyone says this, but the story really is going to pick up soon! I feel bad for making you all wait so long for this and I'm sorry if the beginning makes you all bored, I just need to introduce characters and the characters to each other. If you are still reading, thank you!


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