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Chapter Fifteen. 

I trudge down the hall, rubbing my tired eyes. My feet scuff against the warm carpet, curling my toes to keep them from getting any colder. 

Luke is still asleep in my bed, and I am still wearing his shirt. My mother left, giving me a warning glare and Luke a smile that read, please don't do anything or I will murder you with my bare hands. I think that scared Luke.

I enter the kitchen, my stomach grumbling from the lack of food I have had all day and the over abundance of sleep I have had. 

A light knock sounds at the door and absent minded, I open it to Laurie. Her expression turns from slightly annoyed to hard and cold. She grimaces at my attire and pull the shirt farther down legs. "Nice," Laurie nods. 

"Laurie, it's not what it looks like." I shake my head. What does it look like, though? It looks like I am wearing another boys shirt, Luke's especially. 

I broke the traditional girl code. 

I broke the all mighty friendship make or break by fooling around with Luke. We made out a little, and I thought Laurie hated me. It's not that wrong, I suppose. I didn't consider Laurie a friend anymore, but that doesn't mean she considered me as a friend. 

It's exactly what it looks like. 

It looks like I just proved Laurie's assumptions right, it looks like I have been sleeping with Luke. It looks like I lied to her.

"It's not what it looks like?" She scoffs, "you're half naked with Luke's shirt on,"

"How do you know it's Luke's shirt?" I ask, a bit creeped out. 

"He is the only one in this school district that would wear a shirt like that." Laurie folds her arms across her chest, rolling her eyes at me. 

"Why do you care so much about him anyway?" I ask, becoming fed up with Laurie not being able to get over Luke. "He rejected you, I think it's time to move on honey." I snap, giving her a fake concerned smile. 

I hear obnoxious foot steps behind me, followed by a shirtless Luke peering out from behind my shoulder. "Fuck," Luke whispers, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. 

"You have got to be fucking kidding me," Laurie laughs. I don't say anything, just step back into Luke and then awkwardly shift over next to him. I really don't get why she is so hung up on Luke, it's been nearly two months since the night of the party. "I thought you were my friend, Avery." 

"You lied to me about sleeping with Luke,"

"So did you," 

"We didn't sleep together you dumb bitch." I shout, Laurie's seem to always have to have a comment final boiling the heating pit in my stomach, making it explode through words. It was harsh, but I didn't even think we were on speaking terms, or friends even. 

I look over at Luke, his jaw nearly touching the floor. Laurie's eyes are swelling with tears, mixed with anger. The color of her blue irises fading to a dull grey. 

This fight is pointless, thinking that Luke and I could be nothing more than friends was completely and utterly pointless. Everything between Luke and I is pointless. There never has been a point to us hanging out, unless I was fake tutoring him.

Who knew hatred could bring such feelings. 


I can't think like that, I do not have feelings for Luke. He is just another boy that will come along in my life and leave as the rest have. We had fun, so much fun. It was fun, but it needs to end. What happened today can never happen again.

I can't stop whatever happens between Luke and I, I have to let it go and go with it. 

I need to make up my mind up. 

And it's so hard to make a decision when Luke's body looks so cold and my hands seem to want to find their way to his. My hands looks so warm, compared to his goose bump laced body. 

"Have fun with her, Luke." Laurie snaps, glaring at me and then turning on her heel. What does that mean? 

My eyebrow's tug together, and I slam the door behind me as I push past Luke. His cold shoulder brushes mine and the feel from his touch sends small shocks of electricity down my spine, making the nearly microscopic hairs stand up.

I rush up the stairs, taking to at a time and running down the hall to my room. I hear Luke behind me, so I hurry into my room and quickly lock the door behind me. I slide down the door, the terribly sanded wood sending small splinters into my back. 

Luke turns the door knob, a frustrated sigh falling from his lips. "Avery, open the door."



"Go home Luke,"

"Not until you open the damn door."

I roll my eyes, tears beginning to escape from them and cascade down my cheek. Why am I crying? 

Why did I let myself get attached?



"What Luke?" I say through clenched teeth. For a good hour now, we have been sitting on opposite sides of the door, him calling my name every few minutes and me shooting down his request to come in my room. 

"Will you open the door now?" 


A few minutes pass and the pattern repeats itself.


"Luke I said no," 

This time though, I stand from the position I have been sitting in and slowly turn the lock. I open the door to find Luke sitting exactly where I expected him to. His hopeful eyes glance up at me as he stands.

"Were you crying?" His eyes turn from hopeful to hopeless. 


"I have heard you say no way too many times today. Why are you crying?"

"Why did she say to have fun with me?" 


Triple update????


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