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Chapter Seven.

Luke's P.O.V

What the hell have I gotten myself into. 

Why the hell do I feel like making out with Avery all the damn time. 

Why the hell am I walking in the middle of the road. 

I don't even know where I am at this point, after I left Avery's house I ran. I ran until my lungs felt like they were collapsing upon each other. I should know this town like the back of my hand, but I have to admit that I'm lost as shit. 

My feet continue walking, but my mind wanders. My thoughts drift between Avery and what I said to her earlier. 

I can't believe that I admitted that Jeremy was lucky, my own best friend was lucky to have the girl I hate. I hate her so damn much.

Why do I hate her? 

I think I hate her because she knows exactly who I am, she can read me like an open book and I fucking hate that. She may not know everything about my past and who I used to be, but she knows who I am now. 

Australia is a whole other life, this is me now. 

This is me, the asshole who uses women and smokes pot all the time, occasionally popping pills to rid the pain. 

I hate who I have become. 

I was never like this back home, until it happened. It still haunts me to this day, to know he is really gone. 

I shake my head, ridding the tears that are beginning to build in the rims of my eyes. I'm such a little bitch. 

Why can't Avery just be like every other girl? Why can't she jump at me, the one girl I want to practically throw herself at me, and she won't. She's so damn stubborn and I find it funny as hell. She hates me, but not like I hate her. 

I think I hate her to mask the feelings I may potentially have for her, but I am not willing to admit that to her. Ever. 

She can't know how I feel about her, or I think I feel about her because then it ruins everything. It ruins what I have become, what I have built. It will knock the invisible walls I have built up down, leaving me vulnerable. 

I can feel the walls already beginning to crumble, the imaginary brick slowly chipping away. 

If I get close to Avery, it means she will know who I really was. Who I was before the drugs and alcohol began to consume me, when I came to America, I made a promise to myself. 

Never allow myself to get close to someone again.

And with Avery, I am afraid I will break that promise. 

I can't seem to get away from her though, I can't force myself to stop talking to her. I can't get her out of my thoughts, not even when I'm high or wasted. 

She has corrupted every bit of my mind, she is making me feel again.

And I hate that.

I hate that so much, I don't want to feel anything. I want to be numb, I want to be heartless and cruel. I want to take advantage of every girl I see and not feel a bit of remorse. Being heartless and numb was easy, feeling is hard.


Avery's P.O.V

My mom walks through the door, a bit of confusion falling on her face. "Where is Luke?" 

"Not here," I answer shortly. "Why?" 

"He is normally here on Friday's." My mother practically pouts. Why is she so obsessed with him? I wish she knew who he really was, the jerk he really is. 

Before my mother got home, I had time to think and clear my foggy head. 

I have realized, that I do not have feelings for Luke. I am just another pawn in his little game, and I have finally realized that. 

I don't know why I thought I had feelings for Luke, the lonliness may have been getting to me. That's exactly what it was, I have been lonely lately and Luke was the only one around to make me feel a little less lonely. If anything, he made me feel more lonliness than I have since Jeremy and I broke up.

He managed to make me feel different, and then left. He made me feel different compared to all of his other "companions" and I let him. I let him get inside of my head and manipulate me like he did with every other girl he toyed around with. 

"Well, he isn't here. I don't even know if he is going to come back," I sigh, shrugging my shoulders. 

"Why is that?" 

I roll my eyes, I am so sick of talking about Luke and thinking about him. I want to be free of thoughts of Luke, I want to be free of tutoring him. Luke has managed to invade my thoughts, invade my mothers thoughts, and invade my home. 

"I'm going to bed," 

"It's only 6 o'clock, you haven't even had dinner yet."

"Not hungry," I yell down the stairs as I hurry up them, striding down the long hall and collapsing onto my bed when I reach my room. 

I want to rid Luke from my thoughts, but it so hard to escape those thoughts because he is all I seem to think about. I want him out of my head, I want him out of my life. 


Woooo, Luke's pov. Finally, he has admitted stuff and began opening up! 

Here we go again, things will be picking up really really really soon! 

If you read this, thank youuuu! 


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