Chapter One: Reese

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"It's that time of year again, Cape Delmac High! Sign-ups for clubs start after school today."

Everyone in the auditorium either cheered or groaned. I groaned. I knew my friend would make me sign up for at least one of the clubs.

I was a total introvert, and I hate socialization.

"Reese, you are SO signing up for the Drama Club this year," my best friend Caroline whispered.

I sighed. "Give me ONE good reason to sign up for that club."

"Uh, only because rumor has it Augustus Winters is club leader! You've liked him for a year and a half."

"What? No I don't.....oh, be quiet, Principal Oliver is announcing club leaders."

OK. Truth be told: I'd been crushing on Augustus for a while now. We'd been friends for a while, but we had drifted apart in 7th grade. He was...he was cute, and funny, and quirky.

Wait, I'm such a scatterbrain. I should tell you who I am.

My name is Reese Evergreen. Red hair, grey eyes... I'm a sophomore in high school, (15) and have three older, VERY overprotective brothers.

Depending on the moment, it either sucked or was great.

Anyway, my best friend was Caroline Harrison, and she was totally down for anything crazy, so...she usually dragged me down with her.

"The clubs we have this year are baking club, held in the school kitchens, led by Denise Gregory."

People clapped, and Denise stood up to smile and wave.

Hated that smug....I really hated her.

"Book club, held in the library, led by May Green."

May stood up to wave. I guess she was new, I'd never seen her.

Definitely not signing up for HER club.

" club, held in the art room, led by Jack Kane. Also, drama club, held in the music room, led by Augustus Winters."

The two boys stood up, and my heart melted when I saw Augustus's messy, tousled black hair.

Apparently I was staring, because Caroline elbowed me and whispered, "Told you you liked him."

"Shut up!"

Principal Oliver concluded, "Those are the four clubs we can afford this year. Sign-ups are after school!"

The mass of students swarmed towards the doors, heading to the last few classes of the day.

I had a free period with Caroline, so we walked towards the library.

"You totally have a crush on Augustus!" Caroline said, giggling.

"Oh my gosh, be quiet!" I murmured, noticing that Augustus was a few feet ahead of us.

I saw him turn his head, and prayed he didn't hear what Caroline had said.


End of the day.

Usually the most boring part of the day.

Unfortunately, that meant Caroline would drag me to the auditorium to sign up for drama club, although she'd be in art club since Jack was her boyfriend.

"Come on, come on!" Caroline pulled on my arm as she ran and I walked to the auditorium.

"Ugh, I'm COMING!" I said, dreading this.

We ran through the theater, and onto the stage.

There were four booths, and the only one with barely anybody was Augustus's booth.


Oh, my poor little crush.

He perked up when he saw us coming. "You guys here to sign up?"

Gosh, he looked so hopeful, I couldn't say no.

"Of course! I'm obviously signing up for DRAMA club! I'm such a theater nerd."

I grabbed the pen and scribbled my name on the blank sheet on his clipboard.

He looked over to Caroline, but she shook her head.

"Not much of a drama person."

He sighed, and said, "Thanks for stopping by. Hey, Reese, wanna grab some dinner after this whole clubs thing is done?"

My heart just about stopped.

I looked to Caroline, but she had gone away somewhere.

"I'd love to. Meet me at Connor Sisters at 4:30?"

"Sweet. Save me a table."

I walked away with the biggest smile on my face.

Caroline had wandered over to the art's club booth to sign up, but she ran over to me when she saw the smile.

"What the hell happened?! I want details, Reese!"

I laughed, and said, "Fine. Walk with me to Connor Sisters, I'm meeting Augustus there at 4:30."

Caroline squealed with delight. "NO WAY!!"

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