Chapter Four: Augustus

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I woke up, my hair a mess and my bedspread on the floor.

I groaned, knowing it was morning.

I wasn't what you'd call a morning person. I'd stayed up all night re-reading this book called The Fault in Our Stars.

I liked it because the other main was, well, named Augustus. It wasn't a common name, and the character was awesome.

I tumbled out of bed, and grabbed some jeans and a Led Zeppelin tee. 

I threw some socks on my feet, dug through my closet for a sweatshirt, and ran downstairs to grab some breakfast.

My younger sister, Amelia, who was nine, was eating cereal and looking at the comics from last week.

"Morning, sis," I said, grabbing a bowl and dumping Cheerios into it.


I grabbed the sports section of the paper, trying to see if I could understand anything they talked about.

Most definitely not.

"What are you doing today?" she asked, setting down the comics.

"Nothing really, going to the park with a friend."

"Can I come?"

"Uh, I guess so."

She smiled, and went to put her bowl in the sink.

"I'm gonna put on cartoons. When are we leaving?"

"11:30, I guess," I replied, grabbing for the comics she'd left.

I tried to understand what was so funny about the comics. It was just rude humor that little kids enjoyed.

Not my type of entertainment. I prefered sword fights, love scenes and words I could barely pronounce.

After I finished eating, I went to go get washed.

As I was brushing my teeth, my dad came out of his room.

"Morning. What are you doing today?"

"Going to the park with a friend. I'm bringing Amelia, don't worry."

"Perfect. I'm working, so your in charge of her today."

He walked down the stairs, grabbed his briefcase, and left.

Honestly, I wasn't that surprised. He never hung out with us, so I usually was forced to babysit Amelia all day. My mom had died from lung cancer a year ago, so dad threw himself into work more. I guess we reminded him of mom too much.

By this time, it was 11:25, so I went downstairs, and said, "C'mon, get shoes on."

"It isn't 11:30 yet," she said.

"Well, I know that. But it takes you five minutes to get your shoes on, so let's go."

Amelia sighed, and turned off the TV.

"Fine, but your friend had better be interesting for me to have had shut off the TV five minutes before you said we'd leave."


"Augustus! I was beginning to think you weren't gonna show!"

I waved to Reese, and walked over to her.

"Hey, sorry bout that. This is my little sister, Amelia. She walks really slow."

"I do not!" Amelia replied, crossing her arms.

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