College girl pt1

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Everyone knew the Romanoff girl to just be geeky and nerdy. She never showed up to social events and her major was ... well, something to do with computers. There were rumours she was taking three minors, but nobody knew for sure. One more thing people knew about her was her Russian background, but none of her family.

James "Bucky" Barnes, on the other hand... he was known for throwing the biggest frat parties on campus, getting drunk, and boning the nearest girl - usually in some sort of sorority. He had gotten in on a boxing scholarship.

They passed each other a lot in the hallways, but never said a word. Natasha's head was always down, and Bucky was always laughing with the other boxers and sports scholarship winners. They never said two words to each other, except for one incident in the campus library on the third day.

"You're that Russian girl, right?" Natasha looked up, flicking her hair over her shoulder.

"Yeah, and you're half Romanian, yeah?" She replied, her voice soft in contrast to his. He raised an eyebrow and sat down next to her, pretending to read as she resumed her work, studying in advance.

She found a party invite in her desk one morning and decided, against all better judgement, to go. The name Bucky Barnes was at the end and she was weak at the knees, not that she'd ever admit it.

She dressed appropriately for a frat party, a denim jacket and a leopard print bodycon dress, red heels and lipstick. She arrived an hour after the invite said to, so the party was already in full swing when she stepped through the door and picked up a red solo cup, filling it with the nearest drink and downing it.

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