The Prince and The Maid pt2

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Natasha hummed softly to herself as she washed the Queen's clothes gingerly, terrified of damaging the garments and the punishment that could befall her if she did. she hung them to dry as carefully as she could, not daring to hold anything for more than a few seconds.

"Have you finished your chores?" A familiar teasing voice sounded from behind her and a smile grew on her lips.

"Until your mother gives me another, then yes, your Highness, I have finished my chores." She replied, turning to face the Prince with a small smile on her face.

"Cmon, Nat, just call me Bucky or something. Nobody's around, I've checked." He pouted and she laughed, her smile growing wider.

"Your Highness, I've talked about this. We can't risk it in an open space. I would lose my position here, and you would be married off." She reiterated from their last encounter and he rolled his eyes.

"But nobody's around. And it's not that unusual for an unmarried prince of my age to flirt with the maids." The use of maid in plural irked Natasha and she frowned, making him instantly realise his mistake. "I don't talk to the others like this, Nat, I promise. It's only you I have eyes for. I only wish you were of royal status like myself so we could court publicly." He sighed. Natasha hesitated, her hand automatically going to the chain and pendant around her neck. Bucky caught the movement and raised an eyebrow. "What? What is it? Is it about your family?"

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