"She's Your Betrothed"

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*Dragon's Edge*

Hiccup POV

It was just days after Snotlout and I escaped the Sandbuster. We were back on the Edge with much to discover now that we found Viggo's sword.

But I also gave Astrid Hofferson my betrothal gift after all the excitement. She felt terribly that she didn't get me a gift, but I could care less.

Having her with me on these crazy adventures and wondrous discoveries is the greatest gift I could ever ask for.

To have her by my side through every single bit is worth more than gold.

"Hey, Astrid", I smile at my beautiful girlfriend who was sitting in the clubhouse re-wrapping the leather bindings of her axe handle.

"Hey babe", she smiles at me ever so warmly. But again, there's guilt lying in her gaze.

The medallion still hung around her neck loosely; and I assume it hasn't left its spot since I put it there.

I walk in and kiss her cheek upon sitting down beside her.

Toothless and Stormfly greet each other and settle in to sit behind us.

Astrid continues to wrap the hide around and around before I break the awkward silence that was filled with her tiny grunts and flustered glare.


"Don't... I know what you're going to say", she cuts me off.


"That I didn't need to get you a gift... I just honestly feel terrible because yours was so special", she drops her axe in defeat; and that's not normal for her to just drop it.

"Astrid. If you think about it, I honestly didn't go to much effort to get the gift. My dad was the one that molded and shaped the medallion in the first place. What's unique about it, is that when my dad gave it to my mom, it symbolized that they would be together forever. The fact that my dad gave this to me for us, just proves to me that not only I chose the right girl, but that I get to be with you all the days of my life", I say with every ounce of my heart being poured into my little speech.

Her brilliant blue orbs gaze into my soul. I see tears dare to line them as she cuffs my cheek ever so gently.

"Hiccup... I love you"

That's the first time that I really heard it loud and clear from those sweet, soft pink lips.

"I love you Astrid", I reply with tears even pulling at my ducts.

I gently caress her little chin and lay my lips on hers, desperate for more as I pull away.

"Like I said. The greatest gift I could ever have... is you", I smirk and she rolls her eyes in a humorous defeat.

"You're something else Haddock", she looks at me, eyes tracing all around my face as her hand falls to my chest.

"I was saying the same about you just the other day", I chuckle.

I just sit for a moment and gaze upon this lovely Viking I get to call my betrothed. Everything within me is exploding with pure exhilaration and pure shock that one day, I will stand and take this warrior as my wife and chieftess.

That's eons away, but it's insane to think that this is my future right in front of me. As long as I have Astrid, I won't need anything else in the world.

Before my mind could catch up with my arms, I pull her hips closer to me and I kiss her again.

My chin almost hurts because we knocked ours against each other so suddenly. But I don't care. My left hand lays on her thigh and her hand lays on top of mine.

We stay in this moment of euphoria for a few moments as breathe her in.

I want to pull her closer but...,

"Whoa Hiccstrid!", Snotlout interrupts our near make-out session.

We jump three feet away from each other in sheer embarrassment.

But Astrid gives me a reassuring glare that she enjoyed every single bit.

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