Episode 2 (side chapter): Dream Through the Past

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Just to shed a little light on Dick and Star's past. ⚠️⚠️Warning there will be some trigger parts, and possibly M rated material.⚠️⚠️
It was only a few minutes after dick left. Everyone was still sleep throughout the apartment, but not everyone was having peaceful dreams. Star's dream was dragging her through flashes of her extensive past.

Dream POV

A young blonde girl girl went running down the street, up the front steps of a old looking house.
"Carlotta!, Carlotta!" She screamed running into the kitchen.

"What I tell you about running in my house Star," the woman said

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"What I tell you about running in my house Star," the woman said.

Young star was bouncing on her feet pushing a flier up into her face, "There's a talent show at school, I joined, are you gonna come watch?" She excitedly said.

Carlotta smiled pushing star's tangled hair out of her face, "Of course I'm comin' honey, now go wash up so we can eat".
~flash to another memory Star~
A teenage Star was running down the alley from a group of thugs, a back pack hanging on her back. One catches her by her arm and swings her into the wall of a building.

"Where you going sweetness, why you running," he breathed down her neck.

Star spit in his face, "Fuck you," she stomped on his foot and tried to run before he grabbed her again slamming her back into the wall.

"You try that again and I won't let you off that easy," he spat, yanking her head back by her hair before he started to pull her shirt and jacket off her.

"No, stop, STOP!" She yelled a unknown force pushing him into the wall across the alley so hated that the sound of his skull cracking was heard. Star slid down the wall shaking, on the verge of crying. She jerked her clothes back on and fixed them before grabbing her bag and running away from the scene.

~scene change~

Star was walking through a club with a tray of empty glasses, cleaning up for the night before she left to go home. The sound of a door opening echoed throughout the club as she walked behind the bar straightening up, "You were supposed to be here a hour ago, dick."

"Oh haha, you think of that by yourself," Dick stated sitting in one of the bar chairs.

Star smiled before leaning across the bar to kiss Dick, " You ok, you look tired babe."

"Yeah I'm fine just, a lot going on," he sighed.

"Well give me a minute to finish, then we can head home,"she spoke in between kisses, "I'll make you dinner and give you a massage."

"That sounds perfect," he smiled

~scene change~
The apartment is in shambles, it looks like a tornado. There was broken glass everywhere and furniture flipped over.

"You've got some fucking nerve, you asshole," Star throws a vase at Dick who dodge just in time, "and then yo ass come back like ain't shit happened, you gotta be hoping for a prayer or real fucking stupid," she got ready to throw something else before Dick stopped her.

"Will you stop and just listen for a moment," he tried to rationalize with her.

"Let me go and get the hell out, I don't wanna see yo ass," she yanked away from him before storming into the bedroom and slamming the door.

Dick looked around, running his hand through his hair before opening the apartment and leaving.
~last scene~
Star was on the stage in the Burlesque lounge performing a ballad piece. The velvet green dress she wore was a complement to her and the song. More memories flashing by as she did. Anybody who looked close enough could tell she was on the verge of crying.  (Play video up top here)

  (Play video up top here)

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~end of dream~

Star shot up off the couch, sweat running down her forehead making her hair cling to it. Tear streaks running down her face, she tried to breathe but it was getting hard to pull the air she so desperately needed into her lungs. Pulling her hand to cover her mouth she broke down.

Thinking about all the memories, and everything finally hit her dead on like a two car collision

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Thinking about all the memories, and everything finally hit her dead on like a two car collision. Pulling her knees up she wrapped her arms around them and buried her face in her arms. Anyone watching could see her body visibly shaking. She didn't go back to sleep that night, she just sat on the couch, rocking back and forth. Maeve sat trying to calm her mistress, but her efforts were pointless. Star stayed sitting just like that straight into the early hours of the morning, desperately avoiding falling asleep in fear that she would have to relive more of her past.

Just wanted to shed a little light on Star's past, hope you like it, don't forget to go back and vote on her hero outfit. Thanks for reading.

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