Episode 1 (part1): Titans

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3rd Person POV

~the Vision~

The sounds of tigers and elephants could be heard mixed with a faint telltale sound of traditional circus music. It seemed like a dream, but it felt to real to be one.

Why does this sound so familiar?

Suddenly, all the noise stopped leaving only the sound of feedback from a microphone to be heard throughout the tent.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and Girls! The Flying Graysons!"

It was then that she realized what this was, it was the night that he told her about. The night that he lost everything in just a couple of fatal seconds. She watched as the trapeze snapped, it was at that moment that the emotions of everyone in that very tent flooded her mind like a tsunami.

The shock of the crowd,

The pain of the fall,

The grief from the other performers,

The overwhelming sadness, loss, and guilt rolling off the boy who just watched his parent plummet to their death.

Knowing then that this was the moment that his entire world shattered like glass.

~end of Vision~

She bolted up from her bed in a cold sweat, attempting to calm her racing heart from the emotional shit storm she just witnessed. Trying to push the thoughts of the tragedy from her mind

"Why the hell did I see that?" she mumbled to herself.

Running a hand through her matted dirty-blonde hair, she threw her feet over the edge of the bed letting them lead her to the bathroom. Turning on the faucet she collected water in her hands and splashed it on her face. Resting one hand on the counter she used the other to push her bangs from her forehead while letting a few steady breaths leave her lungs. As she glanced up it became obvious of her lack of sleep from the dark circles forming under her eyes.

"If only these damn visions came with a fucking instruction manual," she told herself.

Walking back into her room she dropped her body onto the bed and let her head hit the pillow. The thoughts still racking her brain as she attempted to fall back to sleep. Little did she know that just next door, a young girl's sleep was also disturbed by the exact same vision that she just had .

Not realizing that this vision .................

...................was the beginning of greater problems to come.


Hope you enjoyed the first chapter much more to come. I'll try to keep steady updates. Let me know if something should be different if  you wanna see a specific thing added. Thanks for reading!

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