Episode 2 (part1): Hawk and Dove

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Dick POV

I glanced to the side to see Star asleep, her head pressed against her arm which was resting against the window. Looking in the rear-view mirror I saw Rachel looking at the passing scenery, before looking back at the road.

"According to those files, the man who came after you may have been apart of some doomsday cult." I pause looking back in the mirror at her, "They apparently believe its their destiny to prevent the end of the world. Does that mean anything to you?"

Rachel frowned a bit processing the information before she responded, "Well, back when I was a kid, you didn't get too angry, or too scared. Cause bad thing happened."

"What kind of bad things?" I asked.

Once again, she brushed the question off before turning to look back out the window, "I guess I'm a orphan, too, now."

I sighed before she continued, "That billionaire. Bruce Wayne, he raised you?"


She leaned forward, poking her head into the space between the seats to look at me," must have been cool."

I looked at her for a second before looking back at the road, "It was complicated."

"Does it ever go away?"


"The feeling you got left behind"

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Stop lying," Star snarked her eyes still closed.

I rolled my eyes, "No, not entirely."

"You guys are gonna leave me, too, aren't you?"

"No." I turned and looked at her, "No, I'm not going to do that."

Star opened her eyes and turned around in her seat to look at Rachel, "I would kill myself before I just abandoned you Rach."

Rachel nodded her head before sitting back into her seat and letting the ride fall silent again.

Star POV

We finally made it to our destination, somewhere in Washington. We all got out of the car and walked into the building, making our way up to the 3rd floor, apartment 304.

Rachel was walking slightly behind us, "So who are these guys?"

"Old friends." Dick responded, "truth is I haven't seen them for a long time," he knocked lightly on the door.

Somebody I did not expect or want to see for that matter opened the door – Dawn. She was smiling but it left her face as soon as she saw me and Dick, Dick specifically.

Dick smiled a little awkward smile, "Hey."

"Hi" dawn responded sounding a little salty.

I just watched this hella awkward exchange, getting more agitated by the second with her and Dick. Every part of me wanting to slap the taste out of his mouth and stomp a mud hole in his ass for bringing us – me here of all places.

"Hi," Rachel stepped up offering her hand in greeting, "I'm Rachel."

"Dawn," she replied shaking Rachel's hand.

Dick cleared his throat, "Can we talk?" he asked once Dawn and Rachel separated.

"It's a little too late for civil shit now"/ "About four years too late, but sure." Me/dawn responded bitterly at the same time. We glanced at each other for a second before she side steps to let us in.

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