Episode 1 (part2) : Titans

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Sitting in the "office" of my house, I am really debating with myself if what I am about to do was a good idea. The pros and cons of this decision has been rolling around in my head since I woke back up this morning.

"You know what, fuck it"

Walking to the bookshelf in the corner of the room I grabbed the crystal ball from the middle shelf and place it on the dais in the center of the room. If I were anybody else, I would think of this as an invasion of privacy, but when it came to him, I often tend to break a lot of the rules and expectations I set for myself. I really felt the need to check on him and make sure he's ok. Letting my hands hover over the crystal ball I watch the image of smoke roll and crash in on itself like waves within the ball. Taking a deep breath, I willed the crystal to show me what I wanted ..................no, what I needed to see.

"Show me Richard"

And just like watching an old TV come into focus, the crystal ball displayed the image of what I asked. Clear as day there he was sitting inside the protected warmth of his car from the rain pouring down around him. He was looking through a file that I could tell he's examined multiple time due to the worn edges. It didn't take a scientist to figure that whatever was in said file bothered him, and he was really thinking hard on his next course of action. And it was clear that by the look he had on his face, whatever he was planning would not end well.

"What are you up to Dick"

My train of though and concentration was interrupted by the sound of the clock in the room groaning the recent hour. Waving my hand over the crystal I dismissed the picture on it then proceeded to leave the office locking it behind me once the door closed. I walked to my room and began to get dressed for the day.
(Her outfit⤵️)

I wasn't exactly going to work because they didn't need me

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I wasn't exactly going to work because they didn't need me. So today was the perfect time to run my errands. Grabbing my phone and keys off the bar, I walked out the front door locking up when I was shut. It just so happened that the moment I chose to leave I witness the neighborhood asshole harassing my neighbor's daughter – Rachel.

"Hey Rachel, is he bothering you honey?"

Speaking up I grabbed both of their attention, Rachel looking relieved to see me and the asshole putting me on the receiving end of a glare. I guess he thought I was supposed to be afraid of him.

"This ain't got nothing to do with you blondie, so move along" he griped

"You know it actually does, cause if you keep messing with her, I'm going to do something we both will regret. Now why don't you take your broke down ass, walk up that porch and throw your tantrum somewhere else, OK?"

He looked between me and Rachel. I could tell he wanted to say something back but he though against it and turned around to disappear into his shitty house.

"Thanks Star," she muttered quietly.

"You're welcome hun, just remember you know where to find me and how to contact me if you need me."

And with that we both went our separate ways me in my car and Rachel on the school bus.
(Her car⤵️)

Today was probably going to be a long interesting day

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Today was probably going to be a long interesting day.

So I'm going to do this with every episode and break it down into multiple parts/ chapters so the story can have some length, content, and POV. Thanks for reading.

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