Episode 4 (part 2): Doom Patrol

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Star POV

At this point I am sick of traveling. I hate being still , I hate this car, and the lingering smell of Kory's perfume is making me want to barf.
But that was really in the back of my mind - quite literally. Using my telepathy to try and locate Rachel was turning into a dead end, cuz I've came up with nothing and it's been hours. In all honesty she's been closed off to me since she left St.Paul's and it's starting to scare me. I felt her use her powers for a short moment, but it wasn't long enough for me to catch some sort of trail. I pulled myself out of my thoughts as the car pulled up in front of a small cottage in the woods. We all got out and Wales up the porch, Dick lightly knocking on the door alerting the people inside. A man opened the door looking very annoyed at our presence.

"What do you want?" He frowned.

"Need to talk to you about the girl you saw in the forest," Dick state's showing the man his badge.

"What?" The man responded.

"Did she say anything? Did you see where she went ?" Dick continued.

"You know, I already talked to the cops," he deflected, "so you can fuck off."

He went to close the door on us, but Dick forced it back open.

"Hey! You can't do that!" The hunter exclaimed as he was pushed back slightly by the force of the door.

"I'm gonna need you to answer my questions," Dick seethed at the man.

""You better back off,"the man warned reaching beside the door to get his shotgun.

Dick shoved the door in sending the man tumbling to the ground of the foyer, and walked in me and Kory following him. The man got up attempting to fight, but Dick just knocked him back down like it was nothing.

"Did you see where the girl went?" Dick yanked the man up by his shirt, "Answer me!"

"You're a psycho," he chocked out.

Dick threw him back into the coffee table where he grabbed a beer bottle to hit Dick with, but failed when Dick manhandled him and turned his arm smashing the bottle back into his face.

"Did you hurt her?" Dick stated his voice laced with anger, "Did you touch her?!"

Not even giving him a chance to answer, Dick started to beat the guy bloody.

"Dick......," Kory tried getting his attention, failing at getting through to him.

"Dick! Dick, stop!" I grabbed his wrist topping him from causing any further damage.

We all turned when he heard a small voice calling out in fear, there standing in the door way was who i can only assume was the man's son. Dick looked down at the man realizing what he did before letting the man go. The little boy ran into the room hugging his dad making sure that he was ok. Dick looked at the blood covering his hand, before turning an leaving the house, Kory looking at the small family before doing the same.

"I would never hurt no girl," the man said softly, "No kid. The only place out there is the old Caulder house."

"Where?" I mutely asked.

"Its out on Danny St., but it's all locked up ain't no one there." he informed.

I nodded my head in thanks before using my magic to knock both of them out, fixing the mess as well. I made sure to heal the man and erase both of there memories of what just happened. before walking out the house. Dick was standing outside the car leaning his head on the roof.

"Just like always, I'm cleaning up your fucking mess,"i started, "There's another house out there, let's try looking there."

I got in the car with Kory , Dick following my lead after he finished getting his shit together. He quickly started the car and sped away from the cottage. It was quiet for 10 minutes before Kory broke the silence.

"I didn't know you had it in you," She stated

"What?" he replied.

"The way you attacked that man," she paused, "It's none of my business, but if you don't unbury whatever it is that's going on, your're going to explode. Just like her."

"She's right," I mumbled.

"You were a shrink in your past life?" he questioned

"Maybe," She shrugged, " Maybe I'm a shrink in this life who knows? You got problems. You seem like a nice guy, but I'm not so sure.

"I went through something when I was a kid," he said.

"So this is all about you?" she inquired.

"He doesn't want Rachel to make the same mistakes we did, trusting people who just fucked you over in the end," I replied for him.

"Y'all May have gone through some bad shit. I may have too, I don't know," she paused, "But what I do know is that no one manages alone. I don't have to remember much to remember that."

With that being said, I started to realize just how much I had in common with Kory.
As we pulled up to the gate of the Caulder house, Dick got out and snapped the chain holding the fence closed with a pair of bolt cutters. Just as he was pushing the gate open so we could get in. I felt a sudden intense flare of power. I got out of the car before running and shadow traveling myself into the house.
I followed the energy down into some sort of lab to see the boy from the skating ring on the floor unconscious, a elderly man with blood dripping from his mouth, and Rachel surrounded by a cloud of shadows.
I approached her my powers producing a white aura around my body. I reached out and grabbed her shoulder causing both of our powers to flare out and clash against each other.

"Rachel!" Dick came into the lab and stopped as he saw both of us, "Star?"

He cautiously approached us, grabbing Rachel to turn her around and separate us but she didn't budge and inch.

"Rachel! Star! Hey," he tried getting our attention.

"You're going to die. You need to get out of here before it's too late ," we both stated simultaneously the darkness overpowering my free will from holding back as to not hurt Rachel.

"I'm not going anywhere," he grabbed my other hand holding onto both of us.

"We don't wanna hurt you," we continued.

"Listen I was wrong . When I told you no one can help you," he addressed Rachel.

"Dick you need to leave," I said.

"Please," Rachel begged.

"At the church when I said you're on your own. Okay, I was wrong. You're not on your own. You have me and Star, we're here," he paused, "We're not going anywhere, ok?"

Pushing back with my powers a little bit I was able to calm her's down to a small flame.

"We aren't going anywhere, Rache," I smiled softly gripping her and Dick's hand tightly.

Dick pulled both of us into a hug sandwiching Rachel between us as to comfort her. Her powers slowly dying down.


We were all outside getting ready to take off, Garfield saying his goodbyes as we loaded the car.

"Go, go with them," Cliff spoke to him.

"But, Chief," he protested.

"His back is broken again. We'll take care of him ," Larry responded.

"He helped us, Gar. No matter what we owe it to Chief to help him now," Rita spoke.

"Um, maybe you guys can come," Gar tried to negotiate.

They gave him his bag and pushed him gently towards us after finishing their goodbyes.

"Don't worry, we'll take good care of him," I promised.

We all loaded into the car Gar, Rach and Kory squeezed into the back, me and Dick in the front. We drove off the house fading away into the back ground.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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