Chapter 4:Hey there buddy!

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"Oh! Bakugou it's you." I rubbed the back off my head. "What brings you here to the mall?" "I have to get something duh." He replied. "Oh., what you going to get anyways?" I asked curiously. "A camera, gloves and some hydrogen peroxide since the old hag scrapes her knees a lot." "Hey bakugou, do you know where a clothing store is I don't know my way about this mall." I rubbed my head. "Jeez are you that stupid first leading you to the class and know this you gotta be kidding me." He sounded pissed. "Well I would have known my way around if I just moved here to Japan just a week ago." I sounded annoyed. "The hell, where do you come from then?" He asked. "I'm from America but I was born here, my parents only stayed here for 4 years after I was born and moved to America. Now, are you going to help me or what screaming Pomeranian?" I saw his eyes widened. "What the fuck did you just call me Y/N?" He started to smile creepily. Shit. I'm dead. "Well then it was nice to see you Bakugou love you bye not really though!" I started to speed walk.

  On second thought I should run before the screaming pomeranian catches up to me. I started running when suddenly I felt a pair of arms on my waist. "Now where do you think your going Y/N?" He chuckled. "Ekk." I started to sweat. "Well um Bakugou I was just about to go home." I started shaking. I never been so close to a person before and this person would probably explode me to bits. Suddenly Bakugou put me on his back. "You were asking where the clothing store is right?" He stated. "Uh yes." Ok how the fuck is he able to carry a fat ass like me?!?!? He started to walk to the clothing store. I hope none of my class mates see this. My face was like a tomato. A couple of minutes past and we were there. "Hurry up and pick whatever you want I'll pay again." "Wait really? You don't have too I have money." "My treat again." He replied.

     *A few hours later since apparently people take long*

"I'm done!" I smiled. I was holding a bag  with a couple of shirts and pants and some accessories. "It took you three fucking hours to buy 4 shirts 2 pants and a flower crown?" He looked pissed. "Well then would you look at the time it was nice talking to you Bakugou! I'm going to go grab something to eat now." "Since you wasted my fucking time I'll be joining you since I have nothing to do." He replied. "Ok then,where do you wanna go?" "I dunno anywhere I guess." He replied. "We can go to a ramen shop I don't you if they have soba though, do they even sell tacos here?" I started to mutter. Until I heard a voice. "Oi! Stop acting like deku, we are going to the ramen shop." He started walking. "Okay then!" I smiled.

             *3 hours later since Y/N ate the whole menu*

   "Well then I'm stuffed." I smiled brightly. "No shit you ate the entire menu." He chuckled. "Hey! Shut it I love food i can marry it." I giggled. "And it's now night time well then." I said. "Where do you live?" Bakugou asked. "I live in Burrito street street." I replied. "That's pretty fucking far, come now my house is more closer." "Okay then. I followed. I kept questioning why Bakugou was being nice to me, from what I heard he is a asshole. But with me he is somewhat nice. Does he like me or something? Or is it because of my quirk? Could he be the stalker? Wait no he doesn't know where I live or which house I guess. A couple minutes past by, and Bakugou stops walking. "Well, this is the place. Be warned the old hag is annoying." He said. He grabbed his keys and opened the door. "I'm back you old hag." Well then I never knew anyone that calls their mom old hag. "KATSUKI! WHAT THE FUCK TOOK YOU SO LONG!" A woman with ashy blonde hair that looked exactly like Bakugou came into view. Well now I know were he gets it from. She looked at me.

     "Oh! You must be one of Katsuki's friends! She smiled. "I'm Katsuki's mother of course call me Mitsuki!" She came up to me. "Im Y/N name to meet you Mitsuki." I gave a small smile. She smack Bakugou. "NOW TELL ME WHY YOU TOOK MORE THEN 6 HOURS AT THE MALL!" "SHUT IT OLD HAG THIS DUMBASS TOOK TO LONG FINDING CLOTHES AND EATING!" He shouted back. Should I leave yeah. I should before the pomeranians are going to explode if I don't. "So what bring you here Y/N?" Mitsuki asked. Meep. "Well um Bakugou said that my house was too far from the mall so he told me to follow him." I said it really quickly. "Oh is that it. Since what I heard from Katsuki you ate alot right? Are you full?" She asked. "Yes I am Mitsuki." I smiled. "Well then since it's getting late and you guys have school tomorrow you too should go to bed." She replied. Okay where the fuck will I sleep I rather sleep in the bathtub I call it! "Katsuki get Y/N here some comfortable clothes." "She has some." He replied. "Yea but some the looks of it they don't look comfortable at all." Mitsuki replied. I mean yea, they are uncomfortable as hell I only use those when my mother goes on business trips in Japan her boss always wants me there creepy.

        Bakugou started walking to what I think is his room? I placed my bags on the couch. Mitsuki told me where I would sleep. When I went in. Okay this fukcing room is messy as shit. I look around and see a small all might poster. Pfft fan boy. I see some pictures of Bakugou when he was small. He looks like same to me. Suddenly some clothes were thrown on my head. "Here the fucking clothes you can sleep on the bed and since there's no room I have too as well." He stated.

I'm tired help me also thank you for 100+ read see you on monday! I pay bakugou one cent so he's out of character alot.

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