Chapter 23: Gomi is Furious

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"(Y/N)..." I heard a low growl behind me. The sound sent a chill up my spine. What the hell was making that sound? Afraid, I slowly turned around to see Ochako with an angry yet determined expression. "Let's win this thing," her voice was raspy as she said that. I jumped slightly at the sight of her.

"O-Ochako?" I questioned her behaviour.

"Are you okay, Ochako?" Asked Ashido. "You're usually so calm and collected..."

Ochako punched the air above her and yelled, "I'm gonna do my best!" She turned to face the rest of the class. "Everyone, I'm gonna do my best!" Everyone was slightly concerned and confused but we guessed that she was just very determined.


During lunch, we found out the reason why Ochako wants to become a pro hero. Basically, she wants to earn money. She told me, Tsu and Iida, that her parents work at some construction company and she wanted to help them out. Ochako wants to graduate, then she would become a pro hero and earn lots of money to return to her parents. It's such a nice and cute motive. "What about you, (Y/N)?" Asked Tsu as she turned to me. "Why do you want to become a pro?"

I shrugged. I actually had no idea. "I don't really know," I chuckled to myself. The other three were surprised at my answer, questioning me why I didn't really know what my reason was. "All my childhood, I've been following Bakugou and Izuku. They wanted the three of us to become pro heroes together," I smiled, recalling past moments of the three of us together. "Sure, I'll save people and do my best to protect them. But I'm not sure if I can do that forever."

"Hm, do you happen to like children?" Asked Iida. "Maybe you want to settle down and start a family?"

"I-Iida, that's a weird question to ask," Ochako stuttered. "It's like you want to... You know..." She stopped herself to let Iida finish the sentence in his mind.

Immediately, he got it and started apologising formally. "Right! Forgive me! But Uraraka," he turned to her. "Please do not think wrongly. We all know (Y/N) is with Bakugou! If anyone, it would be him she would start a family with!" Tsu and Ochako shushed him as I felt my face burn up. "Right, forgive me for being so loud!"

"B-Bakugou? Family? Children?" I muttered silently to myself. Curse my imagination for showing me images of Bakugou and I all grown up in our wedding day..! As if the burning feeling in my cheeks wasn't enough, my stomach began to do somersaults. Oh god, why am I thinking about children? One? Two? Oh god, why four?!

Suddenly, a hand slammed down on our lunch table, snapping me out of my thoughts. "You and Katsuki, huh?" We looked up to see Gomi. Okay, I thought we forgot about her. What the hell is she doing here? "You two in a relationship now? Smells like bullshit!" She screeched.

I raised a brow at her, "And how'd you find out?"

Gomi bit her lip, "I just heard, okay?! I had to come here to make sure that it wasn't real!"

I put my hand up at her. I'm seriously having none of her crap. "Okay, Gomi, I'm gonna have to stop you right there, sweetie. Don't call him 'Katsuki', please. It makes me want to vomit when it comes out of your damned mouth," I casually said with slightly drooped eyelids.

She hissed at me. "Why you little..! How dare you!" Gomi raised a hand at me and attempted to hit me. She failed as I grabbed her hand and pulled it towards the side of my head, pulling her close to me. At the same time, I quickly inhaled only a bit of air and spat fire at her face just to scare her. She screeched and stepped back. "What the hell?!" She questioned.

"Nensho!" I heard Bakugou's voice. I turned my head around to face the boy. He came in running with Kirishima and Kaminari. "What happened?" He asked.

"Katsuki!" Gomi whined as she fell on Bakugou and grabbed onto him. "This bitch spat fire at my face! Please help me, I don't know how you'd end up with a girl like her..." She pouted and whimpered. Bakugou only scowled at her and pushed her off. "What?"

"Don't call me Katsuki, purple-haired idiot," he growled at her. "Only (Y/N) can call me that without pissing me off. Also, this spot is reserved for my girlfriend." Bakugou suddenly pulled me up from my seat and pulled me in for a hug as he glared at Gomi.

I couldn't see Gomi's face, but I did hear her scream, "Why? How could you?! After all we've been through... What will my father think of this?! I'll let him know!"

"Like I'd give a shit," Bakugou snapped at her. "I never had any feelings towards you. You're being delusional. I've only known you for weeks, it's nothing compared to how long I've known (Y/N). Piss off." I blushed a pink hue. I looked up to see Kirishima with a slight frown. Right, I still have to talk to him. He looks like he has something in his mind.

"Kirishima?" I called out to him. He looked at me with a confused look. "Are you okay? You seem pretty down..."

Kirishima bit his lip and looked away. "Y-Yeah, I'm good," he replied and paused for a while before continuing. "(Y/N), can you stay behind in the classroom with me after school? I want to talk to you... Alone."

I tilted my head in confusion. "Who's talking to you alone?" Bakugou yelled as he diverted his attention to me. Kirishima and I looked up to him and his eyes went over to Kirishima. He held up his hand and tiny explosions began to form. "Got something to say, Kirishima? Why can't you tell me too?!" Bakugou basically threatened him.

"Bakugou!" I scolded him. "Don't be so mean to Kiri." He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, man," Kirishima pouted. "I just wanted to talk to her later today."

"It better just be a simple talk, or else!" Bakugou emphasised on the last bit. He's so protective of me, it's weird. We may be together but I'm still not used to it.

"Calm down, Bakugou," Kaminari reassured. "Your girlfriend has guy friends too, you know. We know very well she belongs to you. No need to act like a beast protecting his treasure."

"Whatever!" Bakugou grumbled in response. He lets go of me. "I'll see you outside the school gate after school," he leaned down and gave me a kiss on the cheek before walking away with Kirishima and Kaminari.

I turned my head over to Gomi, who was as furious as a dragon after being woken up. "You witch," she insulted. "What did you do to Katsuki? He was supposed to be mine! This was supposed to be our love story. Our parents introduced us. We were perfect for each other!" I saw her clench her fists until they were shaking. "Did you put him under some spell? What did you do?" Gomi desperately yelled at me. Geez, what world was she living in?

"I didn't do anything," I rolled my eyes as I sat back down. "If I was a witch, I would've turned you into a frog by now," I turned to Tsu. "No offence."

"None taken," Tsu showed me a thumbs up. Gomi screamed at me one last time before storming off. I felt the eyes of half the cafeteria on me. It wasn't surprising, after all that commotion, who wouldn't be staring and concerned? I turned to my friends who have been mostly quiet for the entire thing.

Ochako gulped, "(Y/N)? Are you okay after that?"

"That girl really wants Bakugou for herself," pointed out Iida.

"I'm sorry we couldn't do anything," Tsu frowned. "We didn't know what to do."

"Right!" Iida exclaimed. "Forgive us, (Y/N)! We weren't being good friends!"

"Guys, no, please," I laughed reassuringly. "It's alright! You didn't have to do anything. Gomi was targetting me." I sighed as I got up from my seat. "Now, let's get to class, shall we?"

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