Chapter Four

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I saw commotion down at the beach, was another squid attack coming? My body reacted before my brain could and I lunged from my place at Hanza's window.

I went to Jerome's door and knocked.

"Jerome. Come quickly! Something's up at the ocean!" I yelled. For whatever reason he punched out of the door with Betty in his hands, running for the doors. I followed in suit and soon was making my way through the crowd around a group of people.

"Who are y-" I was cut of by the girl with fiery coloured hair.

"We just got back from the squid base. Hannah was with us." She was going to say something else but Jerome but in.

"Hannah? You mean Hanza? Wait... Was?!" He screamed.

"She and our other friend Harrison were taken back after we escaped." The girl with a spacesuit explained. "She was brave, but to slow to get up to the surface in time... They... They took them!" She dropped to her knees and started bawling. A tinge of pity washed over me, but was replaced quickly with confusion.

"Why didn't you try to get her?" Mitch asked from behind me.

"She wouldn't let us. Hannah made us all take a promise if anything happened to any of us to keep going. She wanted us to survive." The boy urged, his voice filled with sadness, guilt, anger and regret in one confusing package.

"Clear the beach!" I shouted. "The ocean is still a danger zone!"

Players filled into the gates like cattle, cattle that I need to protect.

"You three." I said. "Come with me. We have some talk into do."


I woke up in the room.

It was freezing, and I looked down to see I was in one of the blue jumpsuits. Just the thought of those blue freaks touching me makes me shiver. But changing me?


I noticed that it actually wasn't a jumpsuit at all. There were no long sleeves or long pants, and they weren't even connected. It was just dark blue shorts and singlet top that revealed all my scars. My boots were still there, but the laces were squid blue. And a black strap was wrapped around both wrists, blue lights flashing every 3 seconds.

"Tracking devices..." I mumbled.

"You are correct."

My head snapped up to meet the kings stone cold eyes. His black robes were draped over his shoulders, only now did I notice that he was much taller then I was.

"What happened to Harrison?" I demanded, standing up.

"He's in a different cell. How do you like your uniform?" He asked, walking towards me. I don't answer, simply glaring at him. His eyes become hard and a feel a strange heat on my cheek.

He slapped me? Wait. Why am I surprised? He's pretty much destroyed my skin and I'm surprised when he slaps me? Then again, he's never actually touched me...

"Answer me when I talk to you." He hisses.

"What makes you think I would actually listen to you?" I retort. Two of his tenticals wrap around my ankles, and before I could even react I'm thrown against the nearest wall.

"You belong to me now. Not a high captain, but a low prisoner. And you'll listen to the guards when they talk to you." He snaps.

"I'll listen to you when pigs can fly." I mutter, I then hear footsteps heading in the other direction, the metal door slamming shut and muttering voices behind the glass.

I gather all my strength and stand up, maybe a few bones in her ribs were broken, but I held the wall and stared at my reflection in the glass. It had been the first time she had looked at herself since being on the surface.

Her hair had grown and was tangled in several places, her usual bright eyes were now a dull dark green, scars cut all over her body, but only one on her face. Her skin, once glowing with energy, was drained of all colour and had dulled down. And then there was her mouth, usually sore in the afternoon from smiling, never seemed to do so anymore.

"I don't care what you do to me. Just know that I will never ever give any information to you slimy beasts." I groaned. The king muttered a few more words to the squids and a metal table shot out at the side of the room. A guard walks in and holds me down.

I don't struggle but keep by limbs stiff to make his job as hard as possible. He eventually straps my limbs down and I stare at the ceiling. I feel the table move into an upward position so I'm up against the wall, the king waltzes into the room but I refuse to meet his gaze.

Instead I look towards the glass, where I see Harrison tied to a chair. My eyes burn in fury and I start to struggle against my bonds.

"Don't you dare touch him! Torture me all you want but don't hurt him! I came up with the plan! I just got them to do it with me!" I lie. "Hurt me all you like but let him go! It was my fault those three prisoners escaped!"

"Hmm... All I want, eh? Let's see if you're still saying that when I'm done." He grabs a vial of green liquid and forces it into my mouth. I gasp in pain. Don't scream, don't scream. For the love of notch don't scream!

"It was me!"

"Still saying that? Just you wait a while until it gets to it's final stages." The king explains. I've heard of the five stages of poison. First you get unbearable pain, then a fire-like feeling spreads thorough your body, and then there's the nausea, all you want to do is throw up, another is like you've been stabbed in all of you limbs. Then finally there's the weakness you get, you won't even be able to move.

"Second stage." The king smirks. Just like Anne said, it literally felt like I'd been lit on fire, from the inside though. I can't hold it anymore, I scream, I scream in pain, I scream so loud the king has to cover his ears.

"HARRISON HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!!!" I shriek and feel the next stage. I see Harrison struggle against the rope and cloth covering his mouth.

"Third stage." The kings voice is slightly less confident then before. I have to get Harrison out of this.

I feel my mind cloud slightly, then everything gets blurry, the wave of nausea hit hard, like the wild waves on a ships hull, a wild headache pops inside my brain, like explosions going off every second.

"I'M THE ONE TO BLAME!!!" I yell and feel the next stage coming. I hear Harrison scream for me to stop, that means his cloth fell off. But I'm determined to get him safe.

"HARRISON SHUT UP!!! I'M TRYING TO SAVE YOU NOTCHDAMMIT!!! LET ME DO THIS-" I get cut of by the fourth stage hitting my like a pile of bricks, more like a pile of knives. It honestly felt like I had been impaled everywhere, so much I had to open my eyes every few seconds to see if I actually had knives sticking out of me. Just a tinge of green, no knives,

"LET HIM GO!!!" I shouted. There was a ringing in my ears that made me groan, my body goes limp and I slump against the bonds, my head slumping down, the only thing keeping it up with the leather strap around my neck.

"And stage five." The king was hesitant but approached me slowly, lifting my head up. And for the first time in years...

I burst into tears.

"I beg of you... He had nothing to do with it..." I whisper.

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