When we finally got to the room, I was shoved through before the door was slammed shut, they're taking them to a different room... No!
I stood in the middle of the room, waiting for the king to walk in. The door opened to reveal six guards standing unarmed in a line, staring silently at me.
A voice boomed through the speaker hidden somewhere in the room.
"Go on." I could feel the kings smile. "Do what you always do. Beat them up."
Before I could protest the squid men got into position all at the same time. So I went with it. I pretended to go for a high kick, that made one reach up to catch it, just before he caught it I went down and punched his unarmed neck, a pressure point that makes them faint.
A boy and a girl come at me at the same time, one getting a good hit on my head, I gave him and uppercut to his gut and lifted him up by his chest, throwing him on top of the girl.
The remaining three charged, I grabbed the first ones wrist and threw him into the wall, his head hitting with so much force it draws blood on the white wall, while the other two are partly shocked by the blood, I grabbed their shirts and knocked their heads together repeatedly until they were knocked out.
"Great job." He chuckles. "Now will you give me information?"
"Not a chance." I panted. Why does he even try.
"Even if I did... This?" The wall behind me opened up to reveal Mitch tied up, the king hovering above him.
"Don't you dare touch him." I warn.
"What makes you think you can stop me?" He asked, stepping back with an amused look on his face, maybe I can get the knife out of his hand somehow... I took a small step forward.
"I already told you that you do it to me and me only, don't bring them into this." I reminded him calmly.
"But it's fun to see you desperate." He smirks. Another step.
"You won't get any information out of them." I state and shuffle forward. Soon I'm a foot away, starring straight into his eyes.
"Leave. Him. Out of it." I say through gritted teeth.
"No." He pushes the knife forward, mid way I catch the knife with my arm, a large stab in the side of it. I wince and pull the knife back to me, taking it in my hand and pointing at him, making a protecting wall in front of Mitch. The hooded Canadian struggles in protest of my actions.
"Don't even try." I say emotionlessly. "Please just do it to me instead, don't interrogate them."
I was slightly surprised when he started laughing. "You think I'm that stupid don't you? To just listen to you when I can do whatever I want. Sure I'll keep torturing you, but i don't know if I'll ever get information out of you. That's why these new players are so important, they are weak minded. They brake easily."
He presses a button on a remote and a second wall opened up. What's with all these opening walls? Are any actually solid?
Behind the wall Jerome rushes out, apparently he wasn't bonded.
"Hannah!" The king snaps his fingers and two guards burst through the doors, tying him up and throwing him next to Mitch on the wall.
"Hey!" I shout. I looked puny next to the giant squid, but I kept my ground as he advanced forward.
"Do you honestly think I care about what you say?" His smile reached an evil level, and I backed up against a now closed wall, shivering as he breathed down my neck. "Because I don't."
He then grabbed my arm and shoved a smaller tentical in my open gash, my scream piercing the air as he digs deeper.
"STOP!!!" Jerome yells, squirming around in the ropes. My screams dulled down to slight winces and he yanked the blue monster out of my arm. I felt light headed, like the time I had extreme nausea. It got so bad that I collapsed on the ground, sprawled at the kings feet.
Obviously he hadn't had enough, because I soon felt throbbing pains. Looking up, I see him continuously kick me with one giant tentical. They almost felt like he was wearing hard metal boots honestly, if not slimy ones.
The pain stopped all together, the kicks started feeling like gentle pushes on my body. I guess I had gotten so used to the pain that it just began to feel numb.
"Now boys." He stopped kicking and turned to the tied players, struggling to escape. "I'm going to ask you a question. Answer and you can go back to your cells. Refuse however, the girl will be further hurt."
He walked up to them, and I saw my chance to stand up. The idiot didn't even take the knife away from me. Jerome sees my plan and starts to stall him.
"Don't touch her!" He growls. I silently walk behind him and get my hands around the sheath on his belt, I quietly unclip the leather sword case while Jerome and Mitch continue to not answer him.
"Fine. I'll just have to do th-Hey!" He searches for his missing sword and spots me behind him, I dangle the sword in my hand.
"Looking for this?" I ask. "Next time your forcing information out of someone, try to keep the hostage in your sight."
He growls and a dozen guards fill the room. Out of instinct I drop and slide around the kings legs(or tenticals), jumping on his back and holding the sword up to his neck forcefully.
"One move and your precious king gets it." I warn. That's when things start going bad.