Chapter Nine

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After a couple days of rolling around in an unnaturally hard bed, I was allowed out of the infirmary, where I was almost instantly placed at the meeting table. A strange new feeling settled throughout the room.

Sky was the last to enter the room, he was also the first one to speak, breaking the awkward silence that I so greatly hated.

"So, as you all probably know, we need to talk about how these three got back without trying to escape." He stated, staring at Jerome for an answer, who got the message and started telling the story.

"I honestly don't know what happened, Mitch and I were just sitting around in our cell when a couple guards started shoving us out and towards a huge garage door looking thing. Then they just threw Hannah, who was passed out, at us and screamed at us to leave." Jerome recounted, Mitch only nodded in confirmation.

"Hannah." I noticed that everyone had stopped calling me by my nickname, and by the name I had only used on special occasions, but I focused on what Bri was trying to say. "Can you remember anything?"

I shook my head as an answer, finding that somehow my throat was suddenly feeling like I had swallowed razor blades whenever I talked. Maybe I actually did as a form of torture and after that maybe I got knocked out so I couldn't remember.

After that we moved on to possible reasons why we were let go in the first place. It was obvious that it was a trap, Bri had covered that as soon as Ty suggested we should talk over the matter.

"Maybe he just realised Hannah wasn't going to talk." Quentin suggested.

"But he had Jerome and Mitch as well, wouldn't he use them?" Anne replied, although I hated the idea of that happening, Anne was right.

"Another thought." Bri piped up. "How the hell did you guys think going down there would help any of us in any way?"

Jerome seemed surprised by the question, I stayed quiet and sunk back a bit in my chair. "I couldn't of just sat there and waited for her to be killed." He answered cooly.

"You could have also given the squids a reason to make her spill out information." Ty spoke up.

At that point I tried to tune out the argument which was mostly between Bri and Jerome, I heard random words that stuck out but the full thing made no sense.

"At least I tried to help her get out!" Jerome suddenly burst, snapping me out of my daze.

"We had faith in her to try!" Bri shouted, as if I wasn't here in the first place.

"Don't you get it! She already nearly escaped! The squids had already given her maximum security! She wouldn't of stood a chance!" Jerome's comment somewhat ticked me off but not enough to speak. I saw sky look at me with confusion, but he instantly shook the thought he had out of his head, with that I tuned back in.

"You're an idiot you know that! A stupid animal that only cares about himself." Bri screamed. The headache I had been stuck with started to grow with the noise, to the point where I had to close my eyes and hold my head in pain. No one seemed to notice as they had all joined in with the argument.

"Everyone stop!" Anne pleaded, only to be drowned out by the sheer noise of the argument.

"You just do your own thing! You don't care about the people that get in your way! You know what, Bri? I bet you didn't even care that she was gone!"

"ENOUGH!!!" Fed up with the shouting I stood up and opened my eyes, the chair flying out from behind me and smashing against the wall, breaking into several peices.

A shocked look was plastered on everyone's faces, so much the sky took off his sunglasses to see if he was seeing correctly. Even if my throat was sore I

"Hannah, wha-" I cut Bri off, not caring about what she had to say.

"What?! Yes, I'm a freak but you don't have to pretend I'm not here, I'm not def you know! 'I wouldn't stand a chance' 'faith in me to try?!' Im sick of it! I'm a human being! Just like you!" I finished, and with a slight flicker of my vision, I started towards the door, aware of my now broken chair. "And I could still beat the crap out of any mob."

With that, I slammed the door, people staring in shock as I made my way to the room I hadn't been to in months.


Sorry about the lack of updates! I'm finally off school for 6 weeks, I'm going to apologise to my internet in advance.

But it also means I'll have more time to think of what to do with this book of stuff.

Well, C'ya I guess!


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