Aria Stark

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Even if her last name was not Stark, Aria would always be considered 'different'. Her father was human, her mother was not. Because of this she was only expected to live shortly, hours at the most.

But it was not the child that had died after being born, it was her mother. The child was healthy as any other would be. It wasn't till she was ten years old that people realized, this girl was anything but ordinary. 

After the passing of Aria's mother, Tony Stark took full responsibility of his daughter. He gave her room in his giant house, and paid for her to be cared for, never really checking in on her. This had made Aria hate her father. It was because of him that she felt abandoned, always having new care-givers because he would sleep with them. Though after a while that was one of the last things she began to worry about. 

When Aria had been about ten, she had shown up on two complete different spectrum after an 'incident'. While she was walking with her fairly new nanny for her daily exercise, she got ahead of herself and tripped. While her hands and knees scraped the gravel, everything within a quarter of a mile had been meet with the same fate. Aria's nanny ( she hadn't bother to learn the names of them anymore) got back on her feet and rushed to the young Stark girl. 

When she made it to the girl, her eyes were no longer blue, but orange. Instead of freaking out about the eyes, she began panicking about the blood that was beginning to show on Aria's skin. She wasn't necessarily panicking about the girl exactly, but where this put her with having a job. The next day Aria had a new babysitter.

When Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, or S.H.I.E.L.D is what they are called now, got word of what happened, they saw her as a threat and wanted supervision over her. On the other hand, Hydra saw her as the missing piece to the puzzle, a helping hand, a weapon. 

Hydra had gotten to her first. In the middle of the night, the one and only Winter Solider had taken her when everyone slept. The new nanny searched for the little girl, dreading the idea of facing her father, and telling him the she was lost. 

Most fathers would freak out hearing there child was missing. Tony wasn't like most fathers though, he didn't even know how old she would be turning so to speak. Obviously he sent word that she was missing, but he wasn't all to worried about it. Aria had been. 

Aria had woken up with a man in her face, and a relatively darkish room. There had been light, but everything was coloured in grey. The man was speaking to the girl, but she was doing anything but listening. She only looked at the man when he grasped his hand on her hair, forcing her to look at him. Truthfully, she found him ugly and had horrible breath. 

Unlike most of Hydra's prisoners, Aria was not to go on assassination missions by herself. She was far to valuable if anything should have gone wrong with no one there with her. Every day she would be trained as if she was double her age, that was how they new she held more than the power she possessed they day she tripped. 

Aria was miserable, she hated everything in her life, and had become even more bitter and angry. This mad Hydra even more pleased, watching her take on more than any eleven to fifteen year old would have. 

Experimenting, training, missions, and sleeping, was pretty much what she went through everyday for years. She would be experimented on, so more answers could be answered. Trained so one day she could take over the world, and slept so they could keep her under control. It wasn't till she was close to sixteen that she was back in the real world. Some people hadn't given up on her, like her father had. 

S.H.E.I.L.D had located her whereabouts, when a spy found unusual activities in the area. She was taken to a base, where she was treated for any injuries. When Pepper Potts had walked in the room to take the girl home, she was surprised. She had a feeding tube coming out from her nose, obviously being neglected of food before hand. 

" Hello Miss Stark, I'm Pepper Potts, your father's personal assistant." Unlike her father, Aria didn't say anything. Still trying to piece everything together, she had once again woken up in a complete different place, being told complete different information. She rolled her eyes though, she should've known her father wouldn't come for her, he never did, never will. 

Pepper lead Aria to a fancy black car, Happy Hogan waiting in the driver seat. Pepper had been handed a lot of paper work that she would need to go through later. Aria was shocked from how much had changed in the past five years, she was told that she had been missing for that amount of time. Her mind kept wondering off to her dad, wondering if he'd miss her at all. 

They made it back to the mansion, her dad no where to be seen. She sighed what sounded sadly to Pepper, but Aria was angry. She was done expecting her dad to act like a true dad. She was done with her dad.

Aria did not get back into society as easily as others thought she would. She had changed remarkably, for the worse unfortunately. She was no longer care free, happy, and curious. She was angry, bitter, and closed minded. She only saw her dad a few times a year, never longer than an hour, him claiming to be too busy to stay in one place for long. When Pepper went to the nineteen year old with the news of her fathers disappearance, she wanted nothing more than to ignore it all.

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