3. why you always lying

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After an entire day of practice, we finally come home. It was late and when we all walked inside, we saw Yongjin laying on the couch. A pillow was prompted under his head and his legs rested on the other end of the couch.

"What are you doing up so late? You're supposed to be sleeping." Jeongyeon commented just as a yawn escaped her lips.

"Well I took a nap, and I just wanna fall asleep already so I'm watching tv." Yongjin answered her and he pointed towards the bright screen on the TV.

"Yeah I don't think that'll help at all. Let's get you to your room." She said and walked over to the couch. She dragged him upwards before the two of them walked to his room.

"Want me to help you to your room?" Sana suddenly wrapped her arms around me. I turned my head to her and couldn't help myself but chuckle.

"No thanks. I think Momo can do that." I responded and turned to Momo. As I finished my sentence, Momo's arms were now wrapped around me as well.

"You know what? I think I regret saying that." I added and started trying to pull my arms out from their grip but they only hugged me tighter.

"Ready?" Sana asked, looking at Momo and she nodded with eagerness in return.

"Nope!" I said, still trying to get out from their grip.

"And lift!" Momo exclaimed and lifted me up along with Sana. I screamed as they both carried me to my room.

Once we were all inside, they dropped me down onto the bed and Sana got on my waist, reaching for my wrists. Once she had hold of them, she placed them above my head.

Are they going to kiss me?- YAH.

I shook my head, closing my eyes and tucked my lips into my mouth. Once I was 'safe' I went the extra length to turn my head the farthest away I can from her.

"Do you really think that'll work?" I heard Sana's voice as she leaned down. She got so close to my ear that I felt her breath go down to my neck every time she exhaled.

"Okay!" I sat up but Momo pushed me back down.

"Admit it you like it when we flirt!" Sana exclaimed.

"Never!" I yelled.

"Admit it!" Momo yelled.

"Neveeeeeeeeeer!" I screamed and the door slammed open.

"Yah! We're trying to go to sleep! Sana get out!" Jeongyeon scolded us and Sana pouted. She then pecked my cheek before getting off me. After she got off me, she stepped out of the room.

"Momo, you're sleeping on the couch tonight for harassing Y/N." Jeongyeon approached the edge of the bed. She turned towards me for a second and placed her head on top of my head, soon stroking my hair.

"Yeah!" I exclaimed like a 4 year old and stuck my tongue out in a playful way. For a split second, I realized what the hell I was doing and cringed because of it. God why did I even do that?

"We'll get you." Momo gave me a glare before she left, closing the door behind her.

"You forgot your pyjamas!" I yelled, reaching across the bed so I could grab her pyjamas.

"Right!" Momo responded as she walked back in. I tossed them to her before she walked out again.

"They didn't hurt you did they?" Jeongyeon asked, turning to me and I looked back at her.

"No mom." I said in a playful manner.

"Yah." She responded pushing me off the bed and I laughed at her.

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