15. rest

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"You're fine?" Jinyoung looked at me and I nodded, anticipating he'd follow with my words. "You broke down in the middle of an event and you want me to believe you when you say you're fine."

"If you're thinking of what I'm thinking then just don't think it! We only have a week left." I said and he sighed. He took a deep breath before he looked at me with stern.

"I know the last thing you want is another member out but you have to know that this is for your own good. We've done it with Mina and we'll do the same with you. But because you are you I'll set out exceptions. From now on, you'll be sitting out from radio interviews, variety shows. Music shows are allowed but after it's done you'll immediately go home." He said and my eyes widened slightly.


"But it's unfair! Just this one incident and all this happens- Y/N, you are one of the most important people to this company, I need you to understand that and I need you at 100% but right now you are not at 100%. Trust me when I say this is for your own good. Which is why I'm adding the fact that you'll be moving back into your own apartment." He said and my eyes widened, standing up as I was ready to yell at him for bringing me away from the members.

"No buts! That's final! And if you want to argue, then be my guest but you will not walk out of that door feeling like a winner." He warned me and I sighed, closing my eyes for a second before opening them again.

"I'm sorry..." I muttered and he looked at me, standing up from his chair.

"I just wanted to be like you. Able to work even in massive pressure." I said to him.

"But I wanted you to be better." He said and I gulped, watching him sit back down as he pulled out his phone, ready to tell the managers of my new situation.

"You still have a lot to learn if you want to be the head of your own company, Y/N." He glanced up at me.

"Of course.." I nodded.

So, here I was put for suspension in both vlive, promotions and the dorm. With some exceptions of course. To think Mina would be the only one I'd have to worry about, I just had to add myself on that list now. During the ride home, Yongjin was telling me what I should pack when I got there. But I couldn't even remember half of the things he said since I was too busy thinking about how long these suspensions would last.

"Y/N?" Yongjin called my name and I sat myself up from the passenger seat.

"Sorry I was falling asleep." I made a short excuse as to why I wasn't paying attention and he glanced at me.

"It's okay, we're getting close to the dorm anyway." He assured me and I nodded before looking out the window.

One of the worser parts about this was, when I got there, the entire place was empty and there was no way I could say goodbye to the girls unless I texted them. Which I had no time to do since I was busy packing up my clothes in suitcases the managers had brought.

"Y/N." Jun-Kil called me over and he tossed me an envelope and I furrowed my brows upon catching it. But from the pink envelope I suddenly remembered who it was from and smiled.

"Y/N unnie!" I looked up from my phone to see Yuna. I had sat alone in the cafeteria, having a small snack and the maknae of our company's new girl group, Itzy had come up to me while I was in the middle my thoughts, thinking about the debut song that I was working on for them.

"Ah, Yuna." I smiled in content when I saw her. It was evident she had this nervous look in her eyes and I slightly tilted my head to the side, noticing it.

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