18. trouble

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We had reached the final week of our promotions and we had just finished one of our last stages tonight. I rested in the living room, laying back on the couch as I hummed a random tune. I let out a small groan as I attempted to stretch my body. Today, I felt more tired than most days, probably because the maximum amount of sleep I had was two hours. Nonetheless, those two hours plus a shit ton of caffeine out of desperation of staying awake helped me look alive.

But because it was so late, my body couldn't take it any longer and started to close. I blinked repeatedly to keep them open but every time I let my eyes rest, they found themselves closing once again. Then I had an idea. Every time I was tired and had a meal during so, fifteen minutes later, I'd feel as if I'd taken another nap and was a bit more refreshed than I was before.

I dialed a convenience store and waited for a few seconds, keeping the call on speaker until I heard someone pick up.

"Hello, you do delivery right?" I asked upon hearing the ringing stop.

"Yes, we do delivery." They responded and I smiled softly.

So I ordered my late night food necessities that would comfort me either into staying awake or falling asleep, whichever my body decides for me.

3rd Person

The more Y/N listened to the person on the other end of the phone, her eyes once again started to close and this time, she failed to fight it. She ended up dropping her hand that held her phone and she fully closed her eyes.

"Y/N?" Momo walked inside the living room, searching for Y/N since she told her that she'd be going to sleep soon but an hour had already passed. When she saw Y/N, head up to the ceiling with closed eyes and her arm draping over the edge of the couch, still clutching to her phone, she chuckled in disbelief.

"Ma'am? The order?" Momo heard the other end from the speaker and she walked over to the couch. She took the phone from Y/N's hand and held it up.

"I'm sorry, but I think she's changed her mind about ordering. We're not going to order." Momo said, covering for Y/N.

"Ah, no worries. Have a good night."

"Thank you, you too." Momo said before hanging up from the call. She kept holding onto the phone as she looked at Y/N.

"Let's get you to bed." Momo said before pulling Y/N off the couch and carried her with her arms under her back and her thighs.

She walked inside their room and Jeongyeon looked up from her phone, seeing the two of them.

"Fell asleep?" Jeongyeon whispered loudly enough to be heard and Momo looked at her, nodding in response.

"She fell asleep trying to order delivery food." Momo said and Jeongyeon stifled in a chuckle, placing her palm over her mouth.

Momo then laid Y/N on the bed and tucked her under the blankets. She laid down beside her and draped her arm over her waist. Jeongyeon glanced up from her phone to look at how comfortable Y/N looked with Momo and then looked back down at her phone.


In the middle of the night, specifically at 4:41 am, Y/N had woken up from her accidental nap. The type of naps you'd take after school and when you woke up, your parents had already eaten dinner without you. To say that Y/N was relaxed was an understatement considering her large need for a good night's rest. She felt a sudden urge to go pee and she carefully lifted Momo's arm from her waist. She slid herself away from her before getting off the bed. She managed to find her phone resting on the drawer near her and she walked out of the room with her phone.

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