4. you're back

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Today was the day. I didn't really hit me until I finally took a look at the calendar in my phone. Mina's coming back from her trip. I didn't go anywhere for Chuseok because, I had to practice with Nayeon... yeah, practice.

I literally hopped out of the bed and Jeongyeon's face fell onto her pillow. 

"I thought we were cuddling, not wrestling." Jeongyeon let out a small groan as she sat up.

"Sorry! But the managers are picking up Mina from the airport!" I exclaimed and had this evident large smile on my face.

"They are?" Jeongyeon furrowed her brows. It seemed that she was too tired to even realize the current situation yet.

"We're gonna pick Mina from the airport! Do any of you want to come?" We heard Yongjin from the living room and I planted a very quick kiss on top of Jeongyeon's head before running out of the room.

Just as I turned my body after stepping out, I clashed with Nayeon who too was just stepping out of her room.

"Sorry!" I apologized quickly just as I caught her from crashing into the wall. I placed my hand behind her head incase she actually did and she looked at me.

"It's fine," She chuckled, shaking her head. All of a sudden, she looked at me with a hint of ardor in them. Then she leaned close to me, her lips just inches away from my ear. "Are you still up for it tonight?" Nayeon whispered.

"Yeah don't worry." I mumbled, just loud enough for her to hear. She smiled proudly and planted a gentle kiss on my cheek. After she walked away, I then rushed inside the living room, noticing Yongjin standing by the door, with the keys dangling from his fingers.

"Yeah I wanna join." I announced and he looked up at me.

"Let's go then." He grinned.


"You seem too excited for this." He said with a chuckle as he turned to me. Okay maybe I was a bit too excited for this, considering that I was still in my pajamas. We were parked outside of the gate that Mina would be walking out of with her mom. 

"How can I not?" I looked through the tinted windows. A squeal came out of my mouth once I saw Mina's mom. It was hard to see Mina considering there were also a lot of other people walking out but it was safe to assume that the woman beside her mom was her.

"There she is!" I exclaimed. I then scooched to the door, ready to open it.

"No!" Yongjin stopped me and I turned my head to him with my hand still clutching onto the door. "Just let her come okay? I don't want you going out and embarrassing yourself." He explained and I nodded. I sat back onto my own spot and I started to fiddle with my fingers.

Eventually, the wait ended once the door opened and there I saw her.

"Mina eonnie." I called her with the biggest smile on my face. The moment she realized it was me who called her, her eyes widened. After she took her seat, her arms then went to tackle me into a hug. I sighed in relief upon feeling her touch and wrapped my arms around her tightly. God how I much I've missed her.

"How was chuseok?" I asked once we pulled away and she had taken off her mask.

"It went really great." She answered as her mom then stepped inside too.

"How are you?" Her mom looked at me. The door closed and I faced her mom, giving her a quick hug.

"Good! Good!" I gave them a smile before I turned to Mina and she was already getting comfortable, laying her head on my shoulder.

"I'm a bit tired." Mina commented, letting out a small yawn.

"Take a nap." I beamed as I wrapped my arm around her. I felt so comfortable around Mina. Something about her presence always made me feel safe and with that thought, I leaned my head on hers as Yongjin started to drive us.

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