Only on Paper

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The sudden loud bang of door closing awakened you. A visibly drunk Taehyung staggered past you & collapsed face down right onto the bed.
You rose from your seat & hesitantly approached him. The stench of alcohol was so strong that you couldn't help but scrunch your nose.
"Taehyung ssi.. Are you okay?" You lightly nudged his shoulder. No response. He seemed to be really out of it, so you knelt down at his feet & carefully took off his shoes. All of a sudden, he turned around, almost kicking your face in the process.
"Taehyung ssi, are you awake?" He only responded with an indecipherable murmur.
You stood up & stared at his sleeping face.
"How is it possible that someone's born with such perfect features? God is definitely not fair."
With eyes still closed, he coughed out loud & tried to loosen the tie around his neck, but he couldn't do it because his hand was feeble due to the alcohol.
"Let me help you.." You were about to untie the knot, when he suddenly opened his eyes.
"What the fuck?! Why are you here?! Kang jibsa! KANG JIBSA!!" He pushed you hard until you stumbled backwards a couple of steps & yelled furiously. His angry eyes scanned you from top to bottom, making you feel extremely self-conscious. You didn't know what to say or do in this situation, so you just kept quiet & lowered your head.

"도련님 (young master), is there something wrong?" Kang jibsa rushed into the room in her night gown, squinting as her eyes were still adjusting to the light

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"도련님 (young master), is there something wrong?" Kang jibsa rushed into the room in her night gown, squinting as her eyes were still adjusting to the light.
"What the fuck is she doing in my room?!" He pointed his forefinger vigorously at you, his eyes wide, face hard.
"I- I don't understand. Isn't 사모님 your wife?" She stuttered in confusion.
"Do you think I can sleep in the same bed with a pig like her?! Are you out of your mind?! Get her out of here, NOW!"
Taehyung screamed full of rage & hurled a pillow at you, hitting one side of your arm. Both you & Kang jibsa trembled in fear seeing his violent action.
"Y-yes 도련님, 사모님 따라오세요 (Mrs please follow me)." Kang jibsa quickly bowed at him & pulled you out of the room.
You were so shocked that you couldn't say a word, your whole body shook uncontrollably. You had already known that he was a cold person, but you didn't expect him to hate you so severely.
"사모님. 사모님." Seeing your frozen expression, Kang jibsa patted your arm to wake you up from your daze.
"Please sleep in the guest room tonight. Maybe he's tired & intoxicated, hence the outrage. Call me if you need anything else. 안녕히 주무세요 (good night)."
She retreated as soon as she showed you the guest bedroom & glanced at you one last time, frowning, before closing the door behind her. You could see the pity in her eyes & that made you break down in tears. Scared of angering Taehyung again, you muffled your cry with a pillow. Your uncontainable tears dampened the pillow case.
"He's right. I'm unworthy of him. Why did I ever think that he'd accept me as his wife? Me, who's so ugly, fat & disgusting, can never be good enough for him." You thought to yourself that tonight was the lowest moment ever in your life.
One thing you didn't know was that the worse had yet to come.

Startled by the loud scream, you immediately woke up from your restless sleep.
5:34 AM. The dawn was just breaking & the sky was still dark. You rubbed your eyes & quickly ran out of your room.
As soon as you stepped out of the room, your feet stumbled onto something. You looked down & gasped, as you saw your belongings strewn all over the floor in front of you.
"도련님, wh-what's wrong?" Kang jibsa was equally shocked as you, seeing the mess Taehyung created.
"Who gave you the permission to put your belongings in my room?! Let me make this clear, you're my wife only on paper. I have no intention to consummate this marriage with you, so know your boundaries. Don't ever step into my room or be within my vicinity when I'm home. And I'm not spending any money on you, in other words, you need to support yourself. Are we clear?!"
He barked at you as he threw a fist full of clothing onto your chest.

i hate u, i love u (Taehyung ff)Where stories live. Discover now