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"Kang jibsa, has he come home yet?" Panting, you asked Kang jibsa as soon as you got in.
"I don't think so. Did something happen? You don't look well." Her voice was filled with concern.
"Umm.. yeah, just a slight misunderstanding. I'll try to call him again." You rushed to his room & searched for him, but he wasn't inside.
You tried his number again & this time it went straight to voicemail.
"Where are you Kim Taehyung?" You stepped out of the room & sat down on the sofa. There was nothing else you could do but wait now.
Your head felt dizzy so you closed your eyes & leaned your head back.
"사모님, dinner's ready. Do you want to eat first?" Kang jibsa called out to you as she carried a bowl of stew & placed it on the dining table.
The familiar smell, which usually enticed you, made you sick. You didn't feel like eating at all.
"Kang jibsa, is that kimchi jjigae?"
"Yes 사모님, it's your favorite. Do you want me to get a bowl for you now?" She was ready to scoop the stew.
"Thank you but not now. I had a big lunch so I'm still quite full. Just leave it there & can you please put the lid on? I don't want it to get cold." You said it out of politeness, when in fact the smell made you want to puke.
"사모님, are you sure you're alright? You look very pale. You should lie down & get some rest." Her brows knitted into a deep furrow.
"I think I'm just tired, don't worry about me. If you're done you can leave now. It's your off day tomorrow, right?"
"Well yes.. but I can stay if you need me." She was hesitant to leave you.
"No no. Seriously, I'm fine. Besides, Taehyung will be home soon, so don't worry too much & enjoy your off day tomorrow." You rose from your seat & instantly felt the room spinning around you, but you plastered a smile on your face so that you wouldn't worry Kang jibsa.
"Alright then, but if you need me, don't ever hesitate to call me ok?"
"Yes. Thank you." You held onto the back of the couch to support yourself.
What the hell is wrong with me?
After she was gone, you lied down onto the sofa & closed your eyes, trying to chase the headache away.
Not long after, you fell into a restless sleep.
The ray of sunlight shining onto your eyes woke you up. 8:07 AM.
You readily sat up & looked around. The bowl of stew was still sitting untouched on the dining table & there was still no sign of Taehyung.
Did he sleep outside?
You rose from the sofa & walked straight to Taehyung's bedroom. This time, the door was locked, which meant he was most likely inside the room.
"Taehyung ah, are you in there? Can we talk? Please?" You said as you knocked on the door.
No response.
You were about to knock on his door again when the doorbell rang.
Who's that?
You weren't expecting any guest, especially not so early in the morning.
You checked the intercom & the face showing up on the screen was of a gorgeous female stranger.
"Yes?" You pressed the button & spoke to the speaker.
"Hi, sorry to bother you so early in the morning, but I'm looking for Kim Taehyung. Can you please let me in?" The lady said in a sweet voice.
Taehyung's friend? Colleague? Employee?
"May I know who you are?" You asked, an uneasy feeling rise in your heart.
"I'm Park Eunbi, an old friend. Are you his butler? You can ask him, I'm sure he'll tell you to let me in."
You hesitated for a few seconds. Now really wasn't the right time to invite a guest in, what with your unresolved misunderstanding with Taehyung.
"Hello? Please. I came here straight from the airport & I'm so tired. Can you just let me in for a few minutes? If he doesn't want to see me, then I'll leave." She begged.
You felt pity for her, she did look tired & you caught a glimpse of her luggages behind her, so you buzzed her in.
"Omg, thank you sooo much for letting me in. Are you his new butler? Where's Kang jibsa?" She said as she dragged her two huge luggages into the house.
She was even more stunning in person, with her long silky black hair, slender frame, & legs that went on for days.
"Actually I'm-" You were about to tell her who you were when you were interrupted.
"Park Eunbi?" Taehyung looked dumbfounded finding the stranger in his house, but he seemed familiar with her.
"Kim Taehyung! Omg! I missed you sooo much!" She immediately ran towards him & hugged him. Then, she pulled away & kissed him passionately on his lips.
Taehyung flinched initially at her unexpected brazen act, but then he glanced at you, closed his eyes & kissed her back.
Your heart dropped, did he do that for revenge?
You stood frozen on the spot & watched them making out. Your body felt numb from head to toe & you could hear your heart breaking to pieces with each passing second.
"Oh sorry, forgive us. I forgot about you. It's just I missed him so much & apparently he did too." Eunbi sheepishly said to you.
You said nothing, only clenching your fist & staring straight at Taehyung who was staring right back at you.
Eunbi seemed to notice the tense atmosphere as she looked back & forth between you & Taehyung.
"I'm sorry, but who is she, Tae?" She turned to Taehyung & asked.
"I-" You were going to answer but Taehyung got ahead of you.
"She's my new live-in maid." He said coldly.
His words were the last blow, they shot through your heart & shattered it to non-existence. You tried hard to suppress the tears that were about to fall by digging your nails into your palm.
"Oh. I see. In that case, could you please put my luggages into his room?" She smiled at you, a smile that you would adore given a different circumstance.
"Wait, what? Why?" Taehyung's eyes opened wide in shock.
"Well, I'm staying here with you, silly." She said as she playfully slapped his chest.

i hate u, i love u (Taehyung ff)Where stories live. Discover now