The Breakup

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Today was your day off, so you didn't get to see Jin at the restaurant. However, you'd been planning the whole day to give him a surprise after his shift was over, as an apology for forgetting his birthday the day before.
Cake in hand, you & Yebin arrived at the restaurant at exactly 4 pm, the time for Jin to get off work. You waited anxiously for him outside the staff entrance, not knowing how he would react. After a few minutes, he walked out the door with a somber expression on his face.
"Surprise!" Yebin exclaimed cheerfully once she saw him.
His eyes widened in shock, but he quickly regained his composure & stooped down in front of Yebin.
"Ommo, what brought you here my little princess?" He said as he ruffled Yebin's hair.
"Eomma said it's your birthday so we're here to give you a surprise. Happy birthday ajusshi!" Yebin leaned in to give him a hug, which he reciprocated.
"Thank you so much Yebin ah." He smiled at her before getting up & meeting your gaze.
"Hey, happy belated birthday. Shall we have dinner together? I brought cake." You dangled the box of cake awkwardly in front of him.
He stared at you, then at Yebin. Finally, he let out a sigh & smiled faintly.
"Sure, let's go."
The three of you went for a walk before having dinner at Jin's favorite Chinese restaurant.
"Ajusshi, make a wish now!" Yebin said excitedly after she sang the birthday song for Jin.
Jin closed his eyes & clasped his hands together. He then opened his eyes & blew the candle.
"Yeay! Happy birthday ajusshi!" Yebin yelled & pecked Jin's cheek.
"Gomawo Yebinie." Although he was smiling, you noticed that there was an underlying sadness.
"Can we eat the cake now?" Yebin impatiently asked.
"Yes of course! I'll give you a big slice." Jin chuckled.
While Yebin was busy eating her cake, you quietly said to Jin,
"Happy birthday Jin. I wish you all the best in life."
"Thanks. Yebin ah, do you want to know what my wish was?" Jin briefly smiled at you then returned his attention back to Yebin.
I guess he's still angry. You thought to yourself.
"Yes! What was your wish?" Yebin said through a mouthful of cake.
"I wish that the three of us can live together happily ever after." He said as he bobbed her nose.
"Yeay! Oh. But I heard you couldn't tell others your wish, otherwise it wouldn't come true. I'll pretend that I didn't hear it then. Eomma, you too." Yebin hurriedly covered her ears with her hands.
"Ne (yes)." Chuckling, you followed her instruction.
"Really? So I guess it won't come true then." You heard Jin said in a small voice, making you lowered your hand in an instant. His lips were lifted into a faint smile, but his eyes were full of sorrow.
"Jin ah.." You stared at him, sensing something was definitely wrong.
"Yebin ah, it's getting late. Let's finish your cake & go home ok?" He was back to his cheerful self in an instant.
You wanted to ask him what was on his mind but you knew you couldn't do that in front of Yebin. Thus, you kept it inside you & waited.


Yebin was asleep when you got home. Now it was time to get your answer. You caught Jin after he put Yebin on her bed.
"Jin, is something on your mind?"
"I- Let's sit down first." His expression was unreadable & that made you nervous.
"Are you still angry with me? I know I was wrong for forgetting your birthday, I'm so sorr-" You began to ramble, but he cut you off.
"Geuman haja (let's stop) Y/n ah.." He said without looking at you.
You froze upon hearing his words.
I must have heard him wrong.
"What do you mean Jin?" You let out a chuckle, which sounded bizarre even to your own ears.
"Let's break up." He turned his face towards you & you could see the pain in his glistening eyes.
"W-what?" You couldn't believe what you'd just heard. You'd never expected that he would leave you, after all these years sticking by your side through your lowest points in life. You realized that you hadn't given all of your heart to him, but you'd been convincing yourself that you would make it work with him. He loved you more than you loved him & that gave you a sense of security despite knowing that you were extremely selfish for thinking that way.
"I'm tired of always being a third wheel in your relationship with Taehyung. You're not happy & I'm not either. I thought I had a chance when he was out of your life, but even then I was still competing with his shadow. Seeing you pretending to love me back hurts a lot Y/n, but I always turn a blind eye on it. And I can't do it anymore." He looked up to prevent his tears from falling.
He'd bared his most inner thoughts to you & it saddened you that you'd caused him so much pain.
"I- I'm so sorry." You finally managed to croak.
"It's not entirely your fault. You can't force your heart to feel what it doesn't. It was me who was too stubborn & foolish to accept that we were never meant to be." He sniffed.
"Please don't say it like that. I swear to God, I've tried. I wanted to build a life with you & Yebin, but he hurt me so bad that I was afraid to lose everything again."
"Stop lying to yourself. Maybe the reason why you can never open up to me is that you still love him but you just don't want to admit it."
His words shot through your heart like an arrow. You felt so ashamed that you couldn't say a word, only looking down at your hands as tears involuntarily rolled down your cheeks.
"Y/n, look at me. No matter what I do for you, I'll never be able to replace him in your heart. So please stop making it harder for yourself & just follow your heart." He smiled kindly at you & wiped away the tears on your cheek with his thumb.
"Jin.." You couldn't take it anymore & cried onto his shoulders.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.." You kept repeating.
"Hey, don't cry. It's not like I won't see you ever again. We can still be friends, right?" He said as he gently stroked your hair.
You nodded in response & pulled away from him.
"I've never said this to you, but thank you. Thank you for always being there for me & Yebin. You will always be an important part of our lives & I hope we can still see you often, otherwise I'm sure Yebin will miss you." You tried to put on a courageous smile.
"Only Yebin will miss me?" He raised one of his brows teasingly.
"Well- I mean- I-" Your cheeks blushed, not knowing how to answer Jin's question.
"I'm just kidding." Chuckling, he playfully punched your arm.
"But seriously though, you need to think about what to do with Taehyung. Give him a chance. I'm sure there's a reason why you meet again after so long."
"O-ok. I'll think about it." You awkwardly answered.
"Alright then, it's getting late. I need to go now. Can I- can I get a hug one last time?" He tried his best to appear cheerful, but you noticed a slight quiver in his voice. His heart must have been broken to pieces.
Without saying a word, you pulled him into a hug & buried your face in his chest.
"Thank you Jin. I really mean it, from the bottom of my heart. I wish you'll meet someone who will love & appreciate you."
"Thanks." He wrapped his arms tightly around you & you could feel his tears wetting your shoulder.
"Good night Y/n. I'll see you tomorrow at work." He wiped away his tears & let you go.
You watched his broad back disappeared behind the door & tears inadvertently flooded your face once he'd closed the door behind him. Although you'd still see him around, nothing would ever be the same again after tonight.
Maybe Jin's right. Maybe I should stop worrying too much & follow my heart.

i hate u, i love u (Taehyung ff)Where stories live. Discover now