Truth & Date

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The following day, you woke up earlier than usual & went straight to the kitchen.
"Morning, Kang jibsa." You greeted her who was already working in the kitchen, preparing ingredients for breakfast.
"사모님! Why are you up so early today?" She said in surprise.
"I told you, I want to help Taehyung ssi mend his wound, so I need to know what he likes & dislikes starting from food." You smiled at her.
"Ooh, yes, that's a good idea. I'll tell you everything."
You took note of everything she told you, from his food allergies to favorite foods, & you ended up cooking his breakfast under Kang jibsa's guidance.
"Ommo 사모님, your cooking skill is even better than mine." She complimented you as you arranged the dishes on the table.
"You're too kind. I still have a lot to learn."
"Is breakfast ready?" Taehyung suddenly walked into the dining room.
"Yes 도련님, 사모님 coo-" Kang jibsa was about to tell him that you were the one who cooked the breakfast, but you quickly nudged her signaling her to stop.
"Aren't you going to work today?" He asked you.
"Oh yeah, I need to get ready now. Enjoy your breakfast!" You said & rushed back to your room.
On your way back, you heard him say to Kang jibsa, "Hmm.. Your doenjang jjigae tastes exceptionally good today."
His approval made you smile from the bottom of your heart.

All morning you couldn't focus on finishing your tasks at work, because you kept thinking about how you should tell Jin about your marriage to Taehyung.
"Y/n, that book is supposed to go to the blue bin, not the red one." Jin said to you, waking you from your daze.
"Oh, I'm sorry." You quickly moved the book to the designated bin.
"What's wrong? Is something bothering you?" Jin asked you, concern filled his voice.
"Uhmm.. yes.."
"Is there anything I can do to help? You can talk to me if you want to." His kindness made you feel even more guilty.
"Actually-" You were going to tell him the truth when suddenly your manager called both of you.
"Jin! Y/n! What's this mess on table 11? Clean it up now!" She barked.
"Yes manager nim. Let's talk during lunch, ok? I have something that I want to say to you as well." Jin smiled at you & rushed to table 11 to clean up the mess.
Finally, it was time for lunch.
"Y/n ah, the weather is really nice today. Do you want to have lunch at the park?" Jin asked.
"Oh. Yeah, sure. Why not?"
Both of you grabbed some salads to go from the cafeteria & found a quiet bench at the nearby park.
"So, what were you going to say before our manager called us?" Jin asked after he finished his lunch.
"Uhmm.." You hesitated, not knowing how to break it to him.
"You said you have something to say to me, why don't you start first?" You threw the ball back at him, so that you'd have more time to arrange your thoughts.
"Oh, ok. Uhmm.. The thing that I want to tell you is that.. mm.. I think that you are a wonderful person, funny, kindhearted, & cute. After spending time with you these past few weeks, I become attracted to you. So, I was thinking, can we maybe take one step forward & be more than just friends?" Jin shyly said to you.
You were caught completely off guard by his confession. Your mind raced to find a solution, but there was no way that you could come clean without breaking his heart, so you decided to just tell him the truth as it was.
"I'm sorry, but I can't." You said as you shook your head.
"Oh. It's ok. I understand, maybe I'm moving too fast. Don't worry about it. Haha." He chuckled awkwardly.
"No, it's not you. It's me." You raised your head & looked at him straight in the eyes, then you told him about your situation with Taehyung from the beginning.
"So, that's it. I'm sorry I didn't tell you this sooner, I had no intention to lead you on at all. It's just that I don't feel comfortable telling people about my marriage." You apologetically said to him.
You were completely ashamed, because you felt like you were manipulating him all this time, even though you genuinely cared for him as a friend.
"Jin? Please say something." You extended your fingers to touch his arm, but retracted them again.
He stood up abruptly & turned his face away from you.
"I'm sorry but I need some time to digest this."
Then, he left you sitting alone on the bench.
Your heart was crushed because you felt like you just lost your very best friend, who'd helped you cast off your old miserable self.
Forgive me Jin.
There was nothing else you could do but watch his diminishing shadow.

i hate u, i love u (Taehyung ff)Where stories live. Discover now