Love yourself

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Taehyung's POV"Creak

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Taehyung's POV
He sat up straighter on his bed & listened to the barely audible sound of door opening across his room.
"She woke up late today." He thought to himself.
Actually, he felt guilty after he harshly scolded you last night. The whole night, he kept thinking whether he was being too mean to you.
He treated you like an outcast all this time on purpose to spite his father's one-sided arrangement on his life. He was completely against this marriage but his father wouldn't listen, so he directed all his anger towards his father onto you because you stupidly took part in his father's plan. If he were to be honest with himself, he had nothing personal against you.
"She's back in her room. Should I tone down my hostility towards her a notch? Huhhh... 몰라 (I don't know)." He scratched his head & got out of bed to get ready for work.

He was having breakfast when you hurriedly stepped out of your room with a carry-all in one hand.
"Didn't I tell you to never show up in front of me?" Out of habit, his offense mode was switched on immediately, although he felt bad right after those words left his mouth because he noticed how swollen  your eyes were from crying.
"If you don't want to see me just close your eyes." You coldly snapped at him, which took him by surprise because he expected you to cower as usual.
"What did you say?" He raised his brows in disbelief.
"You heard me. I have to go now, please enjoy your breakfast." You said with a straight face & bowed at him.
"Are you going somewhere? What are you carrying in that bag?" He asked out of genuine curiosity.
"She's not thinking of running away, is she?"
"Don't worry, I won't do anything that'll embarrass you or your family. Besides, it's none of your business." You turned around & left after you finished talking.
His mouth gaped in shock, "What has gotten into her? She literally changed into a different person overnight."
"Kang jibsa! Kang jibsaaa!" He called out.
"네 도련님 (Yes, young master)." She frantically rushed into the dining room.
"Do you know where she is going?"
"You mean 사모님 (Mrs)? Isn't she going to work? Is there something wrong?" She looked at him quizzically.
"Ehmm.. nothing. It's ok, go continue whatever you were doing." He cleared his throat, afraid that she'd think that he started caring about you.
"Ah btw, she looks a bit tired these days. What work exactly is she doing?"
"I believe she's working in a library. I think she looks tired because she hasn't been eating properly lately. She said she needed to lose weight." Kang jibsa glanced at him accusingly.
"Oh. I see." Guilt crept into his heart, knowing full well that you went on a diet because of his words.
"도련님, forgive me if I step out of line. But if you're curious about what's going on with her, maybe you can just ask her in person? I mean she's your wife after all." Kang jibsa said while trying to suppress a smile on her lips.
"W-who says I'm curious? Stop assuming things. Now go on & do your job." Feeling like he was exposed, he quickly shooed her away.
"Hah, why would I care about her? She's nothing to me. Psshhh, ridiculous." He said to himself & rose from his seat to go to work.
"But seriously though, I need to stop calling her fat."

Y/n's POV
"Y/n ah, it's time for lunch. 가자 (let's go)."
"네 (Yes)." You tidied up the papers on your desk & followed Jin to the cafeteria.
"Is there anything particular you want to eat?" Jin turned around & asked you as he grabbed a tray.
"It's ok, I brought-" You dangled your lunch bag in front of him, but he snatched it away from you in a swift move.
"Nope. I'm not gonna let you eat an apple again for lunch today." He held your lunch bag behind his back to prevent you from grabbing it.
"Alright alright. I'll have a spinach salad with no dressing." You finally gave in.
"Ok. Ajumma, two salmon salad with vinaigrette & a side of quinoa please." He ordered, ignoring your request.
Looking at the plate of food in front of you, you involuntarily gulped. It'd been quite some time since you last had so much food to eat & you started to worry about how much weight you'd gain after finishing all of it.
"Eat up. What are you waiting for?" Jin said as he put a forkful of salmon into his mouth.
"O- ok." You poked around your salad with your fork, still thinking about whether you should eat it or not.
Jin saw what you were doing & put down his fork.
"Y/n, I don't know why you feel the need to lose weight, but the way you're doing it now is completely wrong. Yes, you will lose some weight, but you'll be sick & gain all of it back once you start eating normally again. I know it because I've been in your shoes. Instead of focusing on losing weight, you should try living a healthier lifestyle by eating nutritious foods & working out regularly. And the most important thing is you should learn to love yourself, don't try to change who you are to please other people, because if you do that, you'll still feel miserable regardless of how skinny you've become."
You looked at Jin's serious expression & digested his advice. This person who'd only known you for a day had done so much for you & you were absolutely touched by his kindness.
"Ya, did I step out of line?" He panicked as he saw the tears glistening in your eyes.
"No no no. Thank you. Thank you so much for telling me all this. These past few weeks had been.. challenging for me & your kind words really got to me. So, thank you so much Jin." You smiled at him as you wiped away the tears from your eyes.
"Hey no worries. Like I said, I've experienced what you are dealing with right now, so I'll be glad if I can help you get through this."
"Were you overweight too? But you look like you've been fit all your life."
"Here, let me show you something. This was me." He took out his wallet & showed you a picture of a chubby boy wearing glasses.

i hate u, i love u (Taehyung ff)Where stories live. Discover now