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"Well, I'm staying here with you, silly." She said as she playfully slapped his chest.
"I just came back from Paris & have nowhere else to go. You know, my parents are in Daegu but I need to go to go-sees here in Seoul, so I figured I could crash at my boyfriend's house." She grinned innocently at him. The look on his face was unreadable.
Boyfriend? They're in a relationship?
"Eunbi ya.. you left me. I didn't think you'd come back. It's too late now." He sighed.
"No, please. I quitted from my agency in Paris just so I could come back & be with you. I was stupid for leaving you. There was never a day gone by without me thinking about you. Can we please put everything behind us & start over? I promise I won't leave you again." She grabbed his hands & pleaded.
Taehyung contemplated his options.
"You can stay here for a couple of days, but you need to find a place of your own soon." He agreed while throwing a side glance at you. His eyes looked as if they were mocking you.
"Yeay! Thank you so much Tae!" She hugged him again & kissed his cheek.
"Let's sit down for now." He grabbed her hand & pulled her towards the terrace, but she stopped & turned to you.
"What's your name?"
"Y/n." You answered shortly.
"Ok, Y/n ssi. You can put my suitcases in front of Tae's room door. I'll take care of them later. Let's go Tae." She walked hand in hand with him to the terrace & shut the door behind them.
Through the glass door, you could see Taehyung smiling at whatever she was telling him & suddenly you felt really sick. You rushed to the restroom & threw up until nothing was left.
You locked yourself inside your room for the rest of the day, not wanting to witness their display of affection.
Your tears had dried. You'd thought of confronting them, but you couldn't muster up the courage & you hated yourself for it. You felt like such a loser for letting them do this to you, & even more for still loving Taehyung after what he'd done.
The sound of footsteps outside made you jump off your bed. Soon, somebody knocked on your door. You straightened yourself up & opened the door.
"Y/n ssi, Taehyung & I are going out for dinner now, so can you please clean up the room over there? He says I can't sleep in the same room with him coz we aren't married yet. Such a conventional gentleman, isn't he?" She turned to Taehyung, who lifted his lips slightly upwards.
"Anw, please put my clothes in the wardrobe & be careful with them because they prolly cost a lot more than your monthly salary. Thanks!" She smiled at you but there was something sinister in her smile, like she said those things on purpose to hurt you.
You said nothing & just stood there watching them walk towards the door. Then, unexpectedly, Taehyung turned his head around to look at you. His brows were knitted but his expression was much softer than before. You stared at each other until Eunbi tugged at his arm & they disappeared behind the door.
You exhaled heavily & walked towards Eunbi's room. Inside was a huge mess, clothes were strewn all over the place & make up products were thrown haphazardly on the dressing table.
"My goodness, how did she manage to make such a mess in such a short time?"
You tidied up the room, putting her clothes carefully into the wardrobe & arranging her cosmetics on the table. Looking at her stylish expensive clothes, you couldn't help but think that no wonder Taehyung was attracted to her. She was 100, no 1000 times more beautiful than you. They looked much better together as a couple.
You went back to your room after you were done & lied down on the bed. The urge to throw up came again, but you tried hard to suppress it.
I think I need to see a doctor.

The following day, you woke up much earlier than usual because of severe stomach pain.
You were looking for something to eat in the fridge when Kang jibsa walked in.
"Ommo 사모님, what makes you wake up so early? Oh no, you look so pale! Are you still feeling sick? Do you want me to wake 도련님 up to take you to the doctor?" She immediately put her bag on the table & rushed over to you.
"No no, I'm just hungry. Could you please cook me a bowl of porridge or something?" Your head was spinning. You supported yourself by holding on to the edge of the table so that you wouldn't fall.
"Alright, please sit down. It'll be ready in a jiff."
After you wolfed down the bowl of porridge, you felt much better so you stayed in the kitchen to help Kang jibsa prepared breakfast.
"Y/n ssi! Y/n ssi!" Suddenly, Eunbi called out to you from the dining room.
"사모님, who is that? Do we have a guest staying over?" Kang jibsa asked you in surprise.
"Uhmm.. It's a bit complicated, I'll tell you later. Just stay here for now." You said before frantically rushing to the front.
"Yes?" You asked Eunbi, who looked gorgeous even without any make up in her black slinky lingerie & robe.
"I can't eat this. Make me some avocado toast with two slices of tomatoes, no salt, just a dash of pepper." She pushed the bowl of stew away & instructed without even glancing at you.
"E-Eunbi ssi?" Kang jibsa's eyes widened as she saw Eunbi.
"Ahhh, Kang jibsa! You're still working here huh? Is Y/n your niece or something? You guys look alike. Anw, I'll be staying here for a while so let's be nicer to each other this time." She smiled sarcastically at Kang jibsa.
"Now go on, make me that avocado toast. Oh and a cup of espresso. Thanks." She said as she flicked her hand towards you & Kang jibsa.
"What's going on 사-" You quickly muffled Kang jibsa's mouth before she could say anything further & dragged her back to the kitchen.
"사모님, why is she here? And why does she think that you're a maid?" She whispered.
"It's a long story.." You told her everything, skipping the detail of how Taehyung kissed her in front of you. No matter what, he was still your husband & you wanted to keep his reputation.
"Ommo. You should tell her right away! She is one nasty lady. Last time-" She was about to say something when Eunbi yelled from inside.
"Y/n ssiii! What's taking you so long?"
"Kang jibsa, let's talk about this again later. I need to make her the toast & go to work now. For now, please just play along. I promise I'll talk to Taehyung as soon as possible."
"Alright, but promise me you will stand up for yourself. Don't ever lose to that manipulative woman." She seemed to really have a grudge against Eunbi.
You quickly fixed Eunbi her avocado toast & espresso, & brought it to the dining room. When you walked in, Taehyung was already sitting at the table eating his breakfast quietly with Eunbi by his side.
Seeing you coming, Eunbi immediately draped one arm around Taehyung's shoulder & whispered in his ears.
You pretended not to notice & walked back to your room right after you placed Eunbi's breakfast on the table. Once you'd gotten inside your room, you screamed into your pillow, releasing all the pent up emotions.
Kang jibsa was right, I need to stand up for myself. I'll talk to him tonight.
Shit, I'm late.
You missed the bus because you had to go through another series of puking episode.
Something is seriously wrong with me.
You walked in heavily like a zombie into your workplace & met Jin on the way.
"Good mor- Omg, I guess your morning isn't that good. What's wrong with you? You look almost.. lifeless." Jin exclaimed in concern.
"I don't know these few days I keep feeling like throwing up. Some smells really trigger my reflux & I can't control it. I think I catch a bug or something." You sighed.
"Y/n ah.. Are you.. pregnant?"

i hate u, i love u (Taehyung ff)Where stories live. Discover now