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Taehyung POV
He'd been restless all morning, thinking about what had happened yesterday. He wanted to call you so bad, but he was scared that it would anger you even more.
"Sajangnim." A knock made him look up from his phone.
"Yes? Is it time for my meeting?" He asked as he checked his watch.
"Not yet. There's a guest who insists on meeting you, although I've said that you can't be disturbed." His secretary apologetically said.
"Whoever it is, tell the person to go. I don't want to see any unexpected guest." He replied in annoyance.
"You sure you don't want to see me?"
It was you.
"Miss, I told you to wait outside." His secretary frantically pushed you out of the office.
"Kim miseo (secretary), it's ok. Let her in." He said as calmly as possible, without taking his eyes off you.
Your tired gaze stared right back at him, making him feel slightly uncomfortable. He looked away & his eyes laid on the ketchup stain on your light blue shirt, then down to the worn black ballet flats on your feet. The strong urge to hug you & beg you to let him share your burden was so strong that he had to physically stop himself by tightly clenching his fists.
"Please sit." He said after finally getting back to his senses.
"Thank you, but I don't have much time since I need to go back to work. So please just answer my questions as truthfully as possible." You sat down across from him & sighed.
"Ok. I'll try." He answered shortly as he leaned forward.
"How did you find us?"
"That was mere coincidence. I was passing by her preschool when I stopped & saw her. I didn't know that she was ou- I mean, your daughter at first, but then I saw you picking her up."
"How did you know that she was- that she was your child?" You swallowed your saliva, struggling to force those words out of your mouth.
"Ji- Well, I figured it out on my own. She told me that she'd never seen her father & her age.. I counted backwards, she had to be mine." Taehyung stopped himself in time before he revealed that actually Jin was the one who had told him the truth because he had promised Jin not to tell you about that.
"What's your intention of approaching her? I swear to God Kim Taehyung, if you try to take her away from me-"
"What? No! Why would I do that? I just want to get to know her, be a part of her life. That's it."
"You promise?" You stared at him through teary eyes.
"I promise. I won't ever do that." He put his palm over his heart & gently said.
"I- I still can't trust you." You looked away & bit your lip.
"Please Y/n. Please give me a chance. I know I screwed up back then, but I'd learnt my lessons. I won't betray your trust again." Desperately, he grabbed your hands & squeezed them.
His sudden touch surprised you & you immediately retracted your hands.
"O- ok, I'll give you one more chance. You can see Yebin once a week, but I need to be there with her. I still don't trust you enough to let you spend time with her alone." You hastily said, as if you'd regret your decision if you said it slowly.
"Thank you! Thank you so much Y/n. I swear I won't blow it this time." A huge weight in his heart was lifted & his face broke into a wide smile.
"You're welcome. And I'm sorry for keeping her a secret from you all these years. I hope we can work together & be good parents to her from now on." You smiled weakly & extended your hand towards him.
"I hope so too." He took your hand in his & shook it.

A month later, Y/n POV
"Appa! We're here!" Yebin excitedly waved at Taehyung from her seat.
"Ommo, uri Yebinie looks so cute today. I haven't seen you for a week & you've grown so much prettier than last time." Smiling, Taehyung gently pinched Yebin's cheek as he sat down beside her.
It had been a month since you'd acknowledged Taehyung as Yebin's father & allowed him to spend time with Yebin. So far, he'd been doing an excellent job. He'd never come late & he seemed to truly love & care about Yebin. His attitude towards you had changed a lot too. He was now more considerate, less selfish, & much gentler than he used to be. Sometimes, your heart stirred when you saw him interacting with Yebin & that scared you. You were afraid to fall for him again, so you tried to keep a distance & be on guard every time you were with him.
"Hey. Sorry for suddenly changing the venue. She insisted on coming here for ice cream." You apologetically said to him.
"No worries. Yebin ah, do you want to choose the ice cream with appa?" He clasped his hands together & beamed at Yebin.
"Yesss!" Yebin enthusiastically replied as she took his hand.
You watched them browsing the ice cream showcase from afar & a thought crossed your mind.
How would it feel to be a family again with him?
Realizing what you just thought about, you quickly shook your head to erase the idea from your brain.
No Y/n, don't even think about it. Don't risk the peace & calm that you have now for an uncertain future.
"Eommaaa!" Yebin called you as she rushed back to the table.
"Have you picked which one you want to eat?" You woke up from your daze & stroked her head.
"I have. Eomma, do you want to eat ice cream too?"
"No, I'm okay."
"Jjan jjan! Vanilla chocolate chip for Yebin & dark chocolate for appa." Taehyung came & put two bowls of ice cream onto the table.
"Yeayyy! Thank you appa." She immediately dug into her ice cream.
Both you & Taehyung avoided looking at each other, so your eyes were focused on Yebin. She suddenly looked up & a mischievous smile lifted the corner of her lips.
"Appa, eomma is so pitiful. She doesn't have ice cream. Why don't you give her some of yours?"
"Yebin ah, it's ok." Your cheeks inadvertently blushed at her remark.
"Huh? Oh. Sorry, I'll go order for her." Taehyung  hastily rise from his seat but Yebin touched his hand & shook her head.
"No. She has a weak stomach, she can't have too much cold stuff. Can you just feed her a spoonful of yours? My friend, Nara, said her parents fed each other all the time." Yebin coaxed.
You & Taehyung glanced at each other awkwardly, not knowing what to do. Yebin's smile gradually disappeared & was replaced by a frown with each passing second.
"You don't want to? Ok..." She lowered her head dejectedly.
Taehyung couldn't stand seeing her sad, so he whispered to you.
"Y/n ah, should we do it once just to make her happy?"
"W-what? W-well, alright." You hesitantly agreed.
"Yebin ah, don't be sad. Appa will feed eomma now."
"But just one spoonful, ok Yebin ah?" You sternly said.
Yebin instantly perked up & nodded vigorously.
Taehyung scooped a spoonful of ice cream & moved it closer to your mouth. You reluctantly opened your mouth & bit into it.
"Yeay! See? That wasn't that hard, was it?" Yebin clapped her hands & said.
"Oho. Did you do that on purpose to embarrass us?" Taehyung put down his spoon & started tickling Yebin.
"Hahaha! Noooo, I just want to see you love each other like other parents." She said through her giggles.
You froze upon hearing her words. Taehyung's hand immediately stopped moving as well.
"Yebin ah-" You were about to explain the situation to her, but Taehyung quickly intercepted.
"Yebin ah, do you want another scoop? Let's go. Appa will but it for you." Taehyung lifted her up & carried her towards the showcase.
When Yebin wasn't looking, he turned towards you & mouthed,
"Not now."
Huhh.. how should I explain to her about this whole mess?

i hate u, i love u (Taehyung ff)Where stories live. Discover now