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The next couple of days were the happiest days of your life. Taehyung was so sweet & nice towards you that sometimes you had to pinch yourself to make sure that all of this wasn't a dream.
You'd even slept in his room with him every night since then because he wouldn't let you go back to your room. He'd asked you to permanently move all your stuffs to the master bedroom but you were still hesitant, afraid that he'd regret his decision.
"Y/n ah, you haven't moved your things?" Frowning, he asked you as he scanned the wardrobe.
"No.." You replied timidly from the couch.
"Why?" He asked as he plopped down beside you & curled his arm around your shoulder.
"I- I can just get my things from that room. It's no big deal." You shrugged.
"But we're husband & wife. I know I was the one who threw your stuffs away back then. I'm sorry, I was an idiot & I regretted it so much, but things are different now. I won't ever do that again."
His eyes which were filled with concern searched yours. The warmth radiated from his body burned your skin. His fresh scent tantalized your nostrils. You were still not used to being so close to him, like he was too splendid for you to touch. Like he was too good to be true. Like he was going to fade away once you'd started giving him your all.
"Maybe tomorrow. Let's go to sleep now, it's getting late." You smiled at him & changed the topic.
"Oho.. What are you hinting at Y/n ssi?" He raised his brows teasingly at you.
"N-nothing. Ya, stop being so dirty-minded all the time." Your cheeks blushed at his remark.
"I am dirty-minded? Really? Really?" He widened his eyes mischievously & began poking your waist.
"Yaaa stop it.. Kim Taehyung! Hahaha!" You couldn't help but laugh out loud as he tickled you.
Both of you collapsed onto the bed & he pulled you tight in his embrace.
"I hope we'll stay this way forever." He pecked your lips & smiled.
You snuggled into his chest & silently prayed that your delicate bubble wouldn't burst. Ever.

You were mindlessly rearranging the books on the shelf when you felt a light tap on your shoulder.
"Yes?" You plastered a smile on your face, thinking that it was a customer asking for help.
It was Jin.
"Hey.." He sheepishly said while rubbing the back of his neck.
"Oh. Hi." You were stunned by his sudden approach after he'd ignored you for so long.
"Can we- Can we talk?" He asked hesitantly.
"Well, not now. Do you have time after work?"
"Ok then, I'll wait for you at the exit." He smiled faintly at you & stepped away.
What does he want to talk about?
You wondered.

5 pm. Finally, it was time to get off work.
You'd been waiting for Jin for a couple of minutes but he hadn't come yet.
"Hey, sorry. I had a few last minute things to take care of. Should we go to a coffee shop or something?" Panting, he arrived at your side.
"Mmm.. let's just sit over there." You pointed at a bench near the building entrance.
Both of you sat down & awkwardness enveloped you.
You didn't know what to say & you were nervous about what he wanted to talk about.
"I'm sorry.." The simple words broke his silence.
"Huh?" You turned to face him in surprise.
"I'm sorry for being so mean to you. It was actually my fault for assuming things. I've thought about it long & hard, & you actually hadn't lied to me. If I were in your circumstance, I probably wouldn't want people to find out about it as well. So, today I just want to apologize for my childish behavior. Can we start over & be friends again? I really miss spending time with you." Jin said earnestly.
"I'm sorry but I can't." Your brows knitted into a frown.
"Oh. Ok. Sorry.. Well, I respect your choice. I mean-"
He didn't expect that at all from you.
"I was just kidding ok? Of course, I'm very glad if we can be friends again." Your face broke into a huge smile as you slapped his arm.
"Omg, you scared me. I thought you really wouldn't forgive me." He clutched his chest in an exaggerated gesture.
"Hahaha! Well, you deserve that for ignoring me for soooo long." You rolled your eyes at him, feigning annoyance.
All of a sudden, Jin pulled you into a hug, completely startling you.
"J-Jin?" You stuttered.
"I don't deserve such a good friend like you, but thank you for forgiving me." He grinned at you as he released you from his hug.
"So how's it going with your husband? I saw you guys the other day. It seemed like you were getting along quite well now." He inquired casually.
"Well, yeah.. haha.. Things are getting better no- Ow!" A gust of wind blew a grain of sand into your eyes & you instantly rubbed your eyes to get rid of it.
"What's wrong?"
"I got sand in my eyes."
"Wait, don't rub your eyes like that. Let me blow it off for you."
Without waiting for an answer, he cradled your face with his palms & moved his face closer to yours, so close that you could feel his warm breath on your skin. Just as he pursed his lips to blow at your eyes, a nearby splashing sound made you turn your face away.
His mouth gaped open, his eyes widened, & there were two glasses worth of beverage splattered all over his shoes.
"T-Taehyung?" You immediately stood up & ran up to him.
"Don't touch me." He said through gritted teeth. His voice full of fury.
"It's not how it looks like. We were just-" You frantically tried to explain.
"It doesn't look like that you were cheating on me? I saw the way you guys looked at each other, the way he made you laugh, the way he hugged you. You guys are definitely not just friends. Heck, if I didn't stop you, you would've kissed him under the broad daylight." He scoffed.
"Taehyung ah, I-" You were desperately trying to explain, but he kept cutting you off.
"Was he the reason why you acted so strange when I dropped you off the other day? 'Cause you were afraid that your boyfriend would see us together? Is that why you are always keeping a distance from me?" He wouldn't calm down & it scared you.
"Hey dude, please listen to her explanation. You got it all wrong." Jin patted Taehyung's shoulder, trying to mitigate the tension.
But that only made Taehyung even angrier, so he threw a hard punch right on Jin's left cheek.
"Kim Taehyung! Stop! Don't hurt him, he did nothing wrong!" You pulled him away as he was about to throw another punch at Jin.
Taehyung's arm stopped mid air & he turned towards you with such a sad expression on his face that made your heart clench.
"I thought you were different Y/n. I thought I could trust you & give all my love to you. But I was wrong. You're no different from my mother." With that, he turned around & left.
Your heart shattered looking at him walking away so dejectedly like that. All you wanted to do was to go to him & hug him, telling him that this was all a misunderstanding. That there was no one else in your heart but him. But you couldn't just leave Jin alone. After all, he was hurt because of you.
"Jin, are you okay?" You rushed to his side & checked the bruise on the left side of his face. It was already turning an angry purplish red color.
"I'm fine. You go after him & explain the situation. I can take care of myself." He urged you.
"No. Let me help you take care of your wound first. I'll explain everything to him when I get home. Besides, he probably needs some time to calm down." You weakly smiled at him, trying to convince yourself that this was the right thing to do.
"Are you sure?" Jin looked genuinely worried.
"Don't worry. He'll understand." You said as you crossed your fingers.

i hate u, i love u (Taehyung ff)Where stories live. Discover now