Chapter 1 - the first glance

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Shen Wei turned from the board to face his class. In addition to his usual students, there were also several professors from other universities and laboratories. All were intently listening to the handsome young bio-engineering professor's lecture on "Investigating the Mutation of Species From a Genetic Standpoint."

"Do you believe mutants exist?  In this highly civilized era where humans know everything about the heavens and the earth, if mutants really exist, how could we have never discovered them?  Please disregard this all-knowing mentality

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"Do you believe mutants exist? In this highly civilized era where humans know everything about the heavens and the earth, if mutants really exist, how could we have never discovered them? Please disregard this all-knowing mentality. The unknown is our eternal pursuit as humans. Isn't this why we are fascinated with biology?

"I am quite ignorant of technology, so I've enlisted the help of my assistant Li Qian," he motioned to a petite girl who nodded and started the powerpoint presentation.

His lecture lasted for an hour, and then he walked his mentor Professor Ouyang out. Professor Ouyang worked for the Ministry in a research laboratory. Several of his former students worked under him, and he had approached Shen Wei a few times in the past, with no success.

"Why do you continue to refuse me? You have such a wealth of knowledge, more than most of my workers. You would gain much prestige, working for the government. It will also help when you look for a wife."

"I am but a mere scholar, doing research as part of my job, and I am not worthy of fame or fortune." Shen Wei politely replied. "Besides, I am quite content. The university is quite accommodating and allows me to be flexible with my hours." And I could never get married, he silently added.

"Alright, I get it. You're not ready yet. But I will convince you someday." Professor Ouyang could be quite persistent, but he could also see that there was no chance of changing Shen Wei's mind...this time.

Back at the classroom, Li Qian was putting away the projector and gathering papers when she let out a little gasp.

"What's the matter, Li Qian?" Shen Wei asked as he walked through the door.

"It's nothing, just a paper cut," she looked at the drop of blood on her finger.

"You must sterilize it, or it could get infected," Shen Wei took out a clean handkerchief from his pocket and wrapped it around her finger. "The first aid kit is in the office. Let's go back," he gently said as he led her out the door.

Back at his apartment, Shen Wei took out the blood-stained handkerchief from his pocket and inhaled deeply at it, and smiled at his willpower. He brought it to his lips and was about to lick the bloody area, then thought better of it and burned the handkerchief in a large glass globe. Although he had done a good job of suppressing his instincts, it was never a good idea to openly seek such temptation.


It was dusk when Zhao Yunlan rode his motorcycle through the university campus and saw the crowd and the familiar red and white "Do Not Enter" tape stretched between the trees to keep out the non-authorized people. He turned off the engine and removed his helmet, then walked through the crowd when he was stopped by a uniformed policeman.

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