Chapter 7 - the first prophesy

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...hands stroked and groped...

...bodies entwined, writhed, and became one, moving together, faster and faster... and ice opposites melded into one mass of passion and lust...

...both bodies stiffened as the waves began to crest...

...and the final explosion of ecstasy from where their bodies were joined which engulfed their entire beings.

Both lay on the floor, both relishing the pleasures they had just experienced. It was the first time both had such intense sensations. And as Shen Wei hovered over Zhao Yunlan, the inner monster far from sated, he moved slowly, giving the human body time to recover and slowly build up again. It was sweeter and warmer the second time.

Zhao Yunlan fell into a deep sleep after calling out Shen Wei's name for the third time that night, totally exhausted. On the other hand, being an immortal who had unlimited energy, Shen Wei worked to keep the monster at bay, telling it that this frail human needed to rest. He looked lovingly at the sleeping man next to him; although his own human memories were quite hazy and some already forgotten, he was certain that he had never felt this way about another person. Until now, he had cursed this boring, lonely eternal life, and he had also cursed Carlisle for giving it to him. But now, as he gently brushed a hair from Zhao Yunlan's forehead, he was actually grateful. For if he had not lived until now, he would never have met Zhao Yunlan, and he would never have known such happiness.

He lifted the blankets slightly, meaning to pull it up around Zhao Yunlan's neck, when he saw a dark spot on his chest. Was that a bruise? He looked at other parts of Zhao Yunlan's body, some on his arm, his legs, his neck. He did not dare look at his back where he was sure there would be more. He was being so careful, yet he, in his selfish passion, still hurt his fragile lover. Yunlan. He suddenly felt ugly again. How could he have even thought he could love this human? He could not control the monster after all -

"Hey, what are you brooding about?" Zhao Yunlan's voice was still sleepy, but sounded happy. "Are you upset because I can't keep up with you? Give me some time to work out and build up more stamina." Zhao Yunlan grinned as he touched Shen Wei's arm.

"How much did I hurt you?" Shen Wei asked in a quiet voice.

"What? Well, I'm a little stiff here and there," he replied, as he stretched and flexed, "but that won't stop me tonight," he smiled.

Shen Wei pulled back the blanket and watched Zhao Yunlan's reaction as he saw the bruises.

"Wow, you marked me good!" Zhao Yunlan exclaimed.

Shen Wei shook his head and placed his fingers over three long marks on his arm. Zhao Yunlan shrugged it off, but Shen Wei stood up from the bed and walked over to the window.

"I hurt you."

"You're hurting me more now," Zhao Yunlan said as he also got up and stood next to Shen Wei. "I haven't had much experience myself, but I can tell you that last night was...incredible for me. Maybe it wasn't so satisfying for you, since you're a superbeing -"

"You think I did not enjoy myself?" Shen Wei turned to Zhao Yunlan, angry. "I obviously lost control and could not even stop from hurting you in my selfishness!" he turned away, disgusted with himself.

"It was our first time, and I guess we both got out of hand, since I was the aggressor," Zhao Yunlan smirked. "I seduced a vampire!" He gently rubbed Shen Wei's back, knowing how soothing it would be. "I'm still human so that means you didn't bite me, right? We'll be better at it the next time, and you won't hurt me."

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