Part 10 - Forever Day 1

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And when it was over, Shen Wei realized that this was indeed what Zhao Yunlan had also wanted.

"My Xiao Lan... I love you," he tenderly whispered.

Zhao Yunlan had his head on Shen Wei's stomach, happy after hearing Shen Wei's declaration of love. Now that his monster's lust had been satisfied for the time being, he began to mentally study his new body. His eyesight and hearing were greatly enhanced, and he was obviously much faster and stronger. He was able to keep up with Shen Wei during sex, and could easily continue forever, since they both now had unlimited energy and did not need to stop to sleep or anything. Did he also sparkle in the sunlight like Shen Wei? That would limit his work hours as a detective, once he was able to control his thirst around humans...THIRST! Zhao Yunlan's throat immediately burst into an intense dry burn, as though someone had shoved a white hot iron down his throat. He needed to quench it NOW! BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD!

Shen Wei felt the shift in Zhao Yunlan's thoughts and both were instantly on their feet.

"You need to hunt, Yunlan."

Zhao Yunlan nodded as he followed Shen Wei out of the hut, and the two vampires began to run. Zhao Yunlan noticed that although everything should have been a blur at this speed, he was also able to see everything as though it was in slow motion, every little fine detail of the leaves, flowers, flies. The wind blowing through his hair and over his skin was exhilarating, and he shouted with joy as they both soared over a wide ravine. He felt strong, he felt invincible, he felt - what was that smell???

Shen Wei smiled as Zhao Yunlan suddenly stopped, sniffing the air. His vampire instincts aside, Zhao Yunlan the detective had good instincts and a keen eye for detail. He would make a formidable hunter.

"Use all your senses, your hearing, smell, even taste the air," Shen Wei's gently coached him, expecting Zhao Yunlan to immediately chase the origin of the blood.

Zhao Yunlan stood for several more seconds, listening, smelling, and his mouth opened slightly as he tried to taste the air, as Shen Wei had suggested. What kind of being was it? Hmm, bitter, not very appetizing, but as the scent hit his throat, the burning seemed to decrease ever so slightly. He would take it, just as he would take a bitter potion of Chinese herbs for his gastritis - would he still have bouts with that? How strong would a vampire-powered flare up be?

"You will no longer have gastritis. My venom has taken care of that," Shen Wei said, as he saw Zhao Yunlan rubbing his stomach, correctly guessing his mental question.

"How did you know that's what I was thinking? Can you also read minds?" Zhao Yunlan turned towards Shen Wei.

"No. But I remember all the questions I had when I had first transformed," Shen Wei's expression turned solemn. "Whatever ailments, aches, anything you had as a human are now gone, and they will not return. You have become somewhat indestructible...except when fighting another vampire, or some other beings that exist in the world. We will come to that later. The only real pain you will constantly feel is...the thirst in your throat. You need to learn to live with it and control it."

Ah, his thirst! His throat burst into flames again as he was reminded of it, and he began to track the source of that bitter, yet satisfying smell.

Shen Wei could not keep from smiling as he followed Zhao Yunlan. It was like watching his newborn son. Carlisle often had that same look on his face as he coached Shen Wei during his own days as a newborn. Carlisle would like Zhao Yunlan, they both had analytical minds. Maybe they could someday visit Carlisle in this place called Forks in WashingtonState. They would both need to learn English, although he knew Carlisle spoke fluent Chinese. Of course they would both have to stand being in an airplane with humans all around them for close to ten hours -

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