Chapter 8 - the first cure

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Zhao Yunlan backed away from the Priest and ran as fast as he could. Away from the temple. Away from the Priest. Away from the strange prophesy. For he knew he could not stay away from Shen Wei.

Zhao Yunlan ran back to his apartment and slammed the door shut, breathing heavily, not only from the running, but from what the Priest had just told him. Sleeping with an immortal would kill him? Was that the reason for the fatigue? True, he did feel better on the nights they were not together. But he also felt so alone and sometimes thought he would die from loneliness. No, there had to be a way, a cure for this.

Shen Wei was in a tree by the temple, listening to the Priest's words, and then saw Zhao Yunlan run away. The Priest watched Zhao Yunlan's figure grow smaller, and then as if he knew he was being watched, he suddenly turned towards the tree that Shen Wei sat in, and began chanting and gesturing again. Shen Wei silently backed further into the darkness, then ran back to the school to finish his class.

For the first time, Shen Wei had a difficult time focusing on the subject he was teaching, and after a student had to ask him to repeat something for the second time, he silently scolded himself and concentrated on completing the lecture. After that, he rushed to the library and quickly scanned the books, and after finding what he was looking for, he leaned heavily again a wall, not moving for a while, a beautiful motionless marble sculpture.

Back at the apartment building, he stood outside of Zhao Yunlan's door, conflicted. He was not sure if he could act as though he did not know anything. He could not keep anything from Zhao Yunlan, not until he did his own research.

And so when he heard Zhao Yunlan's breathing even out in sleep hours later, he quietly entered and left a note on the pillow next to him, then gently kissed him on the forehead and left.

The next morning Zhao Yunlan woke up and read the note. "My Yunlan...I will be away for a few days on some urgent business. Please follow the doctor's instructions and rest up. Shen Wei."

Zhao Yunlan closed sadly closed his eyes. He knows. The real question was, will he return?


Shen Wei had run all night, through a couple provinces, and then deep into the mountains. He slowed to a walk when he saw the discreet marker at the beginning of the path, and then changed into the plain robes of a monk before making the long walk and then longer climb up the steps. Running was not allowed; the trek made one think of many things, self-reflection being one of them. One did not travel all this way on a whim and to pray. What was he seeking, Shen Wei thought to himself? Was he hoping for a different answer to his questions? Was he looking for some kind of rationalization so that he would not have to leave? Was it for Zhao Yunlan's sake...or his own?

A couple hours later, a temple came into view. The sun was high in the sky, and Shen Wei pulled the hood over his head to hide his sparkling skin. As he neared the grounds, he saw another robed figure outside, sweeping. Although he was still some distance away, the figure looked up and turned toward him, then lowered the hood. It was a woman, also with sparkling skin, and she wore a mask that covered the lower half of her face. As Shen Wei got closer, she removed that mask to reveal a stunningly beautiful face that smiled warmly at him.

"Shen Wei! It's been ages! What brings you here?" She put her arms around him and held him tightly, then released him, her smile a little less bright. "I see it's not because you've had a change of heart and decided you could no longer resist my charms."

"High Priestess, I am not worthy of you," Shen Wei took a step back and bowed low. "You will certainly grow weary of me, and then I would be broken for eternity."

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