Chapter 3 - the first friendship

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He looked longingly after Zhao Yunlan's back as it grew smaller in the distance. Unfortunately he had a class to teach, so he could not follow him. Patience, he sternly told himself, as he turned and walked to his office. He would be able to track Zhao Yunlan's scent anywhere, anytime. Waiting would make their next meeting that much sweeter.

Shen Wei walked back to his apartment. It was already dark, the stores had already closed, and there was no one else around in the quiet town. Shen Wei liked this time of the day the best, when he did not have to look for shadows or avoid direct sunlight.

Two men jumped out in front of him and leered at him. Shen Wei took a couple of steps back and kept his eyes down. They were cheap muggers, and he could easily subdue him. A voice deep down whispered that it had been so long since he had tasted human blood, and that he would actually be doing society a favor by killing them. But he did not want to go down that road again. He did not want to be a monster. He would quietly let them take what they wanted and he would leave them be.

"Stay right there and give us your money."

Shen Wei calmly took out his wallet and handed them all the bills he had.

One of the men grabbed his bag and searched inside.

"Howcum you don't even have a cellphone?" he looked disgusted.

"I'm not used to using one," Shen Wei replied.

The man threw the bag aside, and spotting the watch on Shen Wei's wrist, he grabbed at it.

"Boss, look, a watch. If it's a good brand, it may be worth a few thousand," he said as he started to undo the watch strap. Shen Wei twisted his wrist out of the man's grasp.

"I'll do it myself," he quietly said as he undid the strap and then handed the watch to the man.

The two muggers looked at each other, puzzled, then got angry.

"Stop pretending that you're better than us! Say that you're sorry!"

Shen Wei could barely keep the smirk off his face. Why should HE apologize for their stupidity?

"Say it! Are you deaf? Don't put on an act," the man grabbed at Shen Wei's tie and then pushed him away, his shirt collar slightly undone. Then they saw an amber pendant on a black cord.

"There's something around his neck," one of them started

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"There's something around his neck," one of them started.

"Jade? It'd be good if it is emerald or agate," the other one laughed as he reached out to take it.

Shen Wei took a step back, but the other man still tried to grab at it. Shen Wei held the man's wrist and looked him in the eye. "It is not something you can touch," he said in a deadly quiet tone as he twisted the man's arm behind his back.

The other man stepped forward to help his buddy but was stopped by a voice. Shen Wei immediately knew who it was without turning around. It was Zhao Yunlan.

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