Chapter 6 - the first time

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"Please don't leave. Let's talk more. I'll try not to smell so enticing," Zhao Yunlan smiled.

Shen Wei could not help but smile back at Zhao Yunlan's comment. Yes, he would try. The monster inside him closed its eyes, but growled softly.

"You've been coming to my room for a while, haven't you? What do you do while you're here?" Zhao Yunlan asked.

"I like to watch you sleep. It's fascinating to me. You talk a lot, even in slumber," Shen Wei smiled.

"What do vampires dream about?" Zhao Yunlan was curious.

"I don't sleep."

"Not at all? That must get boring."

"It does. After I got over my human hunting days," Shen Wei nodded in apology, "I began to read, a lot. Carlisle had left me some money, which pretty much sat unused for many, many years. But about a century later, I found that the old currency was worth a lot to collectors, so I sold some, and then used that money to go back to college and earn a couple degrees.. I now dabble in the stock market so I am quite comfortable and am able to maintain a permanent residence. I teach as a hobby, just to keep me busy, but I cannot be seen in bright sunlight, so I teach mainly in the evenings, and once in a while during the day, but only when it is cloudy."

"Why? Do you turn to ashes or explode or something?"

"Ah, yes, the legends. Crosses and garlic. Fortunately I will not burn, but I can now show you why I have to hide," Shen Wei answered as he looked out at the sunrise through the window.

He stood up and opened the curtains wide, and the morning sun filled the room. Zhao Yunlan gasped in wonder as the rays hit Shen Wei's skin and bounced off in millions of sparkles.

"It's like diamonds," Zhao Yunlan ran a finger over Shen Wei's shining hand.

"It is the skin of a monster," Shen Wei closed his eyes, savoring the warmth from the contact. "That feels nice."

Zhao Yunlan gently pulled Shen Wei down to sit next to him on the bed, then carefully placed his hand against his cheek. Shen Wei turned towards it and inhaled deeply, wincing slightly, then took another deep breath.

"Easier each time," he whispered, still keeping his eyes closed.

Zhao Yunlan traced his finger over parts of Shen Wei's face; his eyes, nose, cheeks, and then he felt himself drawn to his lips. Shen Wei's eyes opened at the movement, and seeing Zhao Yunlan's own moist lips so close, he took one last deep breath and held it. Being careful to keep his teeth sheathed, he carefully pressed his lips to Zhao Yunlan's, and such a sensation flowed through his cold body. It was more than this human's bodily warmth. It was something that filled his dead heart, something that filled his soul, if he still had one. Something that gave him hope, something that made him feel...loved.

Zhao Yunlan's response to the kiss was equally intense, and he leaned in more for a deeper one, feeling his body grow hot. New urges began to make themselves known in Shen Wei's body, and he pushed Zhao Yunlan onto his back, devouring his lips, then moving down to his neck...where he felt his pulse and heard the blood rushing through his veins. His lips pulled back to reveal his teeth, wet with venom -

"STOP!" Shen Wei called out as he pushed himself off of Zhao Yunlan and flew across the room, his back hitting the opposite wall.

"I'm...sorry?" Zhao Yunlan did not know what to say. He thought Shen Wei was also enjoying this - were his kissing skills that bad?

"I must apologize. I almost lost control," Shen Wei opened the window to get some fresh air. That was dangerous, for Zhao Yunlan.

"Hey, it was great for a first try, wasn't it? I'll be careful, too, but...maybe we can try again later?" Zhao Yunlan looked hopeful.

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