Chapter 14 - the first trip and true acceptance

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When the two vampires disappeared down the path which would take them back to civilization, the Priestess whispered a little sadly, "Shen Wei, you were my first true love. Please be happy."

Finally brighter days came with the virus now under control, and people slowly began to come out of their homes. People began to meet with family and friends. The stock market slowly began to recover. Businesses that temporarily had to close began to open their doors and welcome customers. Some used their time to develop ideas and began new businesses. It was a new beginning for all.

It was still another few months before people began to think about travel. Many had lost their jobs or took a huge cut in pay and did not have money to spend. Many were hesitant about spending many hours in an enclosed tube breathing everyone else's recycled air. Demand for seats remained low, and the airlines were very cautious in restoring flights. Braver people began to take advantage of the low fares being offered, and eventually seats began to fill.

Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan were the first of the brave ones to buy tickets, and they decided to sit in First Class so that they would not have to sit too close to humans. Unfortunately they could not eat any of the food (unless it was fresh kill!), and instead put on headsets and watched movies. That did not stop the flight attendants from all walking by and sneaking peeks at the two handsome godlike beings sitting side by side, and whispering excitedly. They must have been models, maybe handsome princes, and definitely rich judging from their clothes and manners. How much plastic surgery had they had? They were so perfect! If vampires could blush, Shen Wei would have been as red as a tomato. Zhao Yunlan, on the other hand, enjoyed the attention, and now and then he would wink at a passing flight attendant, who would walk very quickly into the galley and then there would be squeals of delight. Of course their vampire hearing could hear every whisper, and although the flight attendants looked so prim and proper in front of passengers, it was amazing to hear them verbalize some of their fantasies about the two immortals.

  Of course their vampire hearing could hear every whisper, and although the flight attendants looked so prim and proper in front of passengers, it was amazing to hear them verbalize some of their fantasies about the two immortals

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Finally the plane landed at the Seattle-TacomaInternationalAirport

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Finally the plane landed at the Seattle-TacomaInternationalAirport. Carlisle had pre-warned Shen Wei that as a precaution, all passengers' temperature was taken as they deplaned. They made sure to their eye masks had thin hand warmers which they kept on their foreheads, and they knew just how long to keep them on in order to register a normal human body temperature. Still, they held their breath (even though they did not really need to breathe!) until the stern-looking official waved them through.

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