Chapter 13 - the first love

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The COVID-19 spread throughout the world at a speed and mortality rate unheard of in the modern world. Because it was such a new strain, it took over a year to develop a vaccine for it. In the meantime, it claimed the lives of tens of thousands of people. Those who did not sicken or were able to recover were also deeply affected by the economic devastation as many businesses were forced to close their doors, and unemployment rates were the highest ever seen. The stock market plunged, and many who thought they could live comfortably off of their investments suddenly found themselves having to downsize their lifestyles. Medical facilities, equipment and supplies ran dangerously low. Travel was very severely restricted, making it nearly impossible. People had to maintain "social distancing" and could not gather. People could not be together.

It was a dark and depressing time all over the world.

But humans are resilient. Vaccines that worked were finally developed, and medications to treat the disease were more successful. Not all businesses that had to close were able to reopen, but many new ones opened up in their places. And planes full of passengers soon filled the skies.

The virus may have been tamed, but it left a scar in many people's hearts. It taught everyone a lesson, one that would be written in the history books and passed down through the generations.


During the dark times when everyone was confined to their homes, the two vampires kept busy.

Zhao Yunlan continued to go to work, and with his teammates, they ensured that all citizens were safe, stopping the occasional looting here and there.

One member, Guo Changcheng fell ill and tested positive for the COVID-19. Fortunately it was not very severe, and he had a very unusual person caring for him during his quarantine at home - Chu Shu Zhi! Despite his rough personality, he turned out to be a very thoughtful caregiver, keeping track of when Guo Changcheng needed his medication, knowing when Guo Changcheng would want something to drink, getting up at night to wipe the sweat from Guo Changcheng's body. Since he had already been exposed to this sick, infected wimp Guo Changcheng, he may as well stay and take care of him - that was the gruff explanation he gave to the others, but everyone could see how Guo Changcheng filled his thoughts all day and all night long.

Zhu Hong contacted her uncle who worked with herbs, and he made several brews to help break the fever. Others bought food and supplies. Zhao Yunlan, the only one who would not be affected by the virus, good-naturedly delivered everything and left them outside the door, taunting Chu Shu Zhi with, "Stop bonking your honey and pick up your things!" While vampires do not scare easily, Zhao Yunlan did admit that seeing Chu Shu Zhi's glaring eyes and HUGE fist when the door cracked open did cause an imaginary shudder to run up and down his spine.

Guo Changcheng eventually fully recovered and returned to work after two tests for the virus came back negative. Chu Shu Zhi was also cleared, and he growled like a protective mother bear when someone got too close, and absolutely roared when Lin Jing slapped him on the shoulder and asked if "anything happened" between the two. After that, no one dared to bring up the subject to either one, but kept their snickering speculations to when the two of them were not around.

  After that, no one dared to bring up the subject to either one, but kept their snickering speculations to when the two of them were not around

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