Part 11 - the first lunar new year

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"Look! I'm much neater when I eat these days, and my eyes have turned more brown. Can't we go back to the city? I stopped myself from going after those hikers, even after one of them fell and gashed his knee," Zhao Yunlan made his puppy eyes at Shen Wei.

"True, but you stopped only because I sat on you, right?" Shen Wei had a hard time keeping a straight face.

"Well, according to you, I am still stronger than you, and I could have easily pushed you off. So give me some credit," Zhao Yunlan put his head on Shen Wei's shoulder. "I think I'm ready to be around humans. I really want to test out my vampire skills in the field. I bet I can catch more criminals and solve more crimes now."

Shen Wei carefully studied the quickly maturing newborn vampire, who was obviously getting bored with forest life, doing nothing much but testing his new immortal body and drinking from animals. Humans wandered into these parts only once in a great while, and each time they did, Shen Wei had to restrain him, both verbally and physically. But to Zhao Yunlan's credit, he showed more restraint than Shen Wei, the wild newborn had.

"Alright Yunlan, we'll feed once more tomorrow, and then we'll head back to the city. But," Shen Wei stuck his finger in Zhao Yunlan's eager face, "if you feel yourself losing control, or if I sense you are ready to pounce on a human, I will bring you back here right away. Do you understand?" If Zhao Yunlan could not control his thirst in the city, they would have to continue to live in isolation until he could, if he ever could. Shen Wei had to admit that Zhao Yunlan did show more restraint than he had as a newborn. Maybe being a detective in his human life had something to do with it.

"Yes, dear. I'll behave. I'll try really hard to!" Zhao Yunlan gave Shen Wei a peck on his cheek and jumped up and did a little happy dance. "I'll prove to you I can still work around humans like you can."

The next day they both fed well, and after closing up the hut where they had spent the last several months, they both ran back to town.

"How do I explain what happened all this time?" Zhao Yunlan wondered out loud.

"I've been calling your office to give them updates on your illness. You have a rare skin disease that flares up when you are in the sun. You've had to do some surgery on your face and parts of your body. That's why you will look different." Shen Wei paused. "That is the reason I have given the university, and that is why they allow me to teach only at night, and maybe cloudy days. I have many masks and hats for the times I need to be outside on sunny days, like walking to/from the office."

"Hmm, I can't be wearing all of that everyday on the field, but I could definitely stay inside and work at night," Zhao Yunlan mused. "I'll have to remember not to go running outside when a call comes in."

"I once heard a woman calling for help and I ran outside in broad daylight," Shen Wei mused. "It turned out that her shopping bag had ripped and her apples had gone rolling down the street. I had to hypnotize several people who saw me, then moved away the next day." He looked a little sad. "It was a shame. I really liked that town."

"Did you have to move often?" Zhao Yunlan wondered if they would have to move soon as well.

"I don't age, and people notice that. So I move every 10 years or so, or when people start to make comments. It's a little more difficult to lie about my age these days, with computers and such. Fortunately I have a friend who, unlike me, is good with technology, and he hacks into the government system to change my birthday as needed."

"Your friend knows what you are?"

"There are other beings in this world, beings that humans only guess about through old legends, beings that walk amongst them everyday. Someday I will introduce you," Shen Wei smiled reassuringly.

True. Shen Wei obviously lived among humans for all this time. It would be foolish to think that he was the only one of his kind in China. Zhao Yunlan strongly hoped that he would soon be one of those who could also live and work with humans, and not have to hide in dark forests or caves.

Soon the city came into view. It was already twilight and the street lights were just starting to go on. The two vampires slowed to a jog, which would still have been considered a sprint for humans, and then finally to a walk as they saw people. Shen Wei was immediately in protective mode, whether it was for Zhao Yunlan or the people, he was not quite sure.

"Hold your breath for now. It will help," Shen Wei suggested to Zhao Yunlan, who had a fascinated look on his face.

"Yeah, sure," he answered as he took a deep breath and held it. "Um, why are there so many lanterns out tonight?"

Shen Wei realized that Zhao Yunlan's expression had nothing to do with being around humans again.

"My Lan, it is the Lunar New Year, the Spring Festival," Shen Wei replied with a smile. "It is the Year of the Rat."

"We've been gone for a while, haven't we?" Zhao Yunlan smiled as he walked through the throngs of people, his hands in his pockets. He held his breath, and found that he was able to mingle somewhat calmly with the humans, as long as he focused on the festivities.

Smoke billowed out from a nearby temple as people burned fake money and printed gold bars for their deceased loved ones. Later at midnight, the fireworks would begin, to chase away evil spirits and bad luck.

"The fireworks originally chased away Nian, the monster from the sea. That's also the reason for all the red and lights, too, right?" Zhao Yunlan mused. "Uh, you weren't alive that time, were you?" he asked Shen Wei, who only smiled.

"Silly Yunlan," his hand gently stroked Zhao Yunlan's back. "I'm not THAT old. But it is a little ironic that much of this is to keep away the evil spirits. Yet, everyone is unaware that two monsters walk amongst them right now."

Zhao Yunlan stopped and turned to Shen Wei who had a solemn look on his face.

"How many times must I tell you that YOU are NOT a monster! Maybe I am right now, but I'm working on it, okay?" Zhao Yunlan put his hand on Shen Wei's shoulder. "You will also help me to not be a monster."

Shen Wei felt warmth in his cold heart

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Shen Wei felt warmth in his cold heart. This fellow vampire had so much compassion. He felt Zhao Yunlan tug at his arm.

"Um, if I was still human, I'd be running around and having fun. But I think I've reached my limit for human contact for now. Can we go back to our apartment?" Zhao Yunlan asked, using up the last of his breath.

Shen Wei studied Zhao Yunlan, and again was surprised at his restraint. Zhao Yunlan was not crazed for blood, yet, he understood his limits. He was so rational. Zhao Yunlan was definitely not a monster.

"Yes. Let us go home. You've done so well tonight," Shen Wei said with a smile. While he sometimes still felt guilt about turning Zhao Yunlan into an immortal, he was also happy to have his lover forever.



A short one to celebrate the Lunar New Year with our favorite vampires. 

They are finally back around humans.  Let's see how Zhao Yunlan copes, but with Shen Wei by his side, I'm sure they will do just fine.

Gung Hee Fat Choy!

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